[SR-Users] terminate call when dialog when remote contact disappears without BYE

Thibault Gueslin thibault.gueslin at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 00:14:27 CET 2015

Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda at gmail.com>  2015-08-25 15:37:34


dialog: refresh value for contact uri for each re-invite

You wrote the patch!



2015-12-02 22:56 GMT+01:00 Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda at gmail.com>:

> Can you give the commit id of the patch pushed to master?
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> On 02/12/15 19:12, Thibault Gueslin wrote:
> I have seen that the patch submitted on master branch to fix this issue
> have not been merged to branch 4.3
> I wil try it.
> 2015-12-02 15:57 GMT+01:00 Thibault Gueslin <thibault.gueslin at gmail.com>:
>> How can I update the contact alias within the dialog on receiving the
>> invite ?
>> (My client is being NAT in any case)
>> Should I use the dbg_var to set the new alias ?
>> thibault
>> 2015-12-02 9:41 GMT+01:00 Thibault Gueslin < <thibault.gueslin at gmail.com>
>> thibault.gueslin at gmail.com>:
>>> Hello Daniel,
>>> Have you seen the issue I reported:
>>> However I get an issue when one party is changing connectivity: it sends
>>> an INVITE to update the location but the keep alive is still sent to the
>>> previous location.
>>> The dialog info (kamctl dialog show) still indicates the previous
>>> location.
>>> (It looks like  <https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/issues/273>
>>> https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/issues/273)
>>> I am using the dialog module in memory (no db) so I think I don't need
>>> to look at "db_update_period" parameter ?
>>> I have tried to call dog_manage in the WITHINDLG route but it does not
>>> change anything.
>>> thibault
>>> 2015-12-02 7:16 GMT+01:00 Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda at gmail.com>:
>>>> The dialog is terminated when the OPTIONS request doesn't get any
>>>> reply, no matter it is sent via UDP, TCP or other transport.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Daniel
>>>> On 01/12/15 12:08, Thibault Gueslin wrote:
>>>> Thanks
>>>> I don't have set the dialog property.
>>>> I will add these lines on INVITE reception.
>>>> dlg_set_property("ka-src");
>>>> dlg_set_property("ka-dst");
>>>> dlg_set_property("timeout-noreset");
>>>> But is it the proper way to do it with TCP connection ?
>>>> From the tran
>>>> regards
>>>> thibault
>>>> 2015-12-01 11:10 GMT+01:00 Daniel-Constantin Mierla <
>>>> <miconda at gmail.com>miconda at gmail.com>:
>>>>> On 30/11/15 11:37, Thibault Gueslin wrote:
>>>>> > I would like to terminate the dialog when one party disconnects
>>>>> > without sending a BYE
>>>>> > (no more connctivity, client shutdown)
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I am using TCP connection.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Should I terminate the dialog from
>>>>> event_route[usrloc:contact-expired] ?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I have tried also to use SIP OPTION parameter from dialog module
>>>>> > modparam("dialog", "ka_timer",  10 )
>>>>> > modparam("dialog", "ka_interval",  30 )
>>>>> > but nothing is sent)
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> Have you set the keepalive property for the dialog?
>>>>> http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/stable/modules/dialog.html#idp3719336
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Daniel
>>>>> --
>>>>> Daniel-Constantin Mierla
>>>>> <http://twitter.com/#%21/miconda>http://twitter.com/#!/miconda -
>>>>> <http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda>http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
>>>>> Book: SIP Routing With Kamailio - <http://www.asipto.com>
>>>>> http://www.asipto.com
>>>>> <http://miconda.eu>http://miconda.eu
>>>> --
>>>> Daniel-Constantin Mierlahttp://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
>>>> Book: SIP Routing With Kamailio - http://www.asipto.comhttp://miconda.eu
> --
> Daniel-Constantin Mierlahttp://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
> Book: SIP Routing With Kamailio - http://www.asipto.comhttp://miconda.eu
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