[SR-Users] Kamailio - Separated Servers

Bruno Emer brunoemer at gmail.com
Wed Sep 24 15:52:20 CEST 2014

Thanks again for your help, Daniel!

Now my scenario is working!
I have two Edge Proxies and a single Registrar server pointing to a
external PostgreSQL database.

My two users (alice and bob) are authenticated each one in a Edge Proxy and
I can start a session between then using WebSockets. I'm using WebRTC
(JSSIP) as a client to start the calls.


*Bruno Emer*

Mobile: +55 11 96540-0044
email: brunoemer at gmail.com
<http://google.com/+BrunoEmer>  <http://instagram.com/brunoemer_>

2014-09-23 18:07 GMT-03:00 Bruno Emer <brunoemer at gmail.com>:

> Hello Guys!
> Good news about my tests here!
> I found some configurations relative to Outbound proxy and I get this
> working. Now, I can have two outbound proxies, one registrar and one
> database. I can register one user in the Outbound Proxy1 and one user in
> Outbound Proxy 2 and place a call between these users.
> But now I'm facing another problem! The ACK messages are not being
> delivered, so the session is being dropped after a few seconds. I think
> that the problem is in the Contact field. Trying to investigate it now!
> I'm not sure about how to change the message to deliver the ACK. Did
> someone had this problem before?
> In anycase, here is the routing configuration that I'm using in my Oubound
> proxy:
> request_route {
> if (($Rp == MY_WS_PORT || $Rp == MY_WSS_PORT)
> && !(proto == WS || proto == WSS)) {
> xlog("L_WARN", "SIP request received on $Rp\n");
> sl_send_reply("403", "Forbidden");
> exit;
> }
> route(REQINIT);
> if (is_method("CANCEL")) {
> if (t_check_trans()) {
> route(RELAY);
> }
> exit;
> }
> route(WITHINDLG);
> t_check_trans();
> if (is_method("REGISTER")) {
> remove_hf("Route");
> add_path();
> } else {
> if (is_method("INVITE|SUBSCRIBE|ACK"))
> record_route();
> if (@via[2] == "") {
> # From client so route to registrar...
> if ($rU == $null) {
> sl_send_reply("484", "Address Incomplete");
> exit;
> }
> remove_hf("Route");
> } else {
> # From registrar so route using "Route:" headers...
> if (!loose_route()) {
> switch($rc) {
> case -2:
> sl_send_reply("403", "Forbidden");
> exit;
> default:
> xlog("L_ERR", "in request_route\n");
> sl_reply_error();
> exit;
> }
> }
> t_on_failure("FAIL_OUTBOUND");
> }
> }
> route(RELAY);
> }
> route[RELAY] {
> if (!t_relay()) {
> sl_reply_error();
> }
> exit;
> }
> route[REQINIT] {
> if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) {
> sl_send_reply("483","Too Many Hops");
> exit;
> }
> if(!sanity_check("1511", "7"))
> {
> xlog("Malformed SIP message from $si:$sp\n");
> exit;
> }
> }
> route[WITHINDLG] {
> if (has_totag()) {
> if (!loose_route()) {
> switch($rc) {
> case -2:
> sl_send_reply("403", "Forbidden");
> exit;
> default:
> if (is_method("ACK")) {
> if ( t_check_trans() ) {
>  record_route();
>  route(RELAY);
> exit;
> } else {
> exit;
> }
> }
> sl_send_reply("404","Not Found");
> }
> } else {
> if (is_method("NOTIFY")) {
> record_route();
> }
> route(RELAY);
> }
> exit;
> }
> }
> onreply_route {
> if (($Rp == MY_WS_PORT || $Rp == MY_WSS_PORT)
> && !(proto == WS || proto == WSS)) {
> xlog("L_WARN", "SIP response received on $Rp\n");
> drop;
> }
> if (!t_check_trans()) {
> drop;
> }
> if ($rm == "REGISTER" && $rs >= 200 && $rs <= 299) {
> remove_hf("Flow-Timer");
> if ($(hdr(Require)[*])=~"outbound")
> insert_hf("Flow-Timer: FLOW_TIMER\r\n", "Call-ID");
> }
> }
> failure_route[FAIL_OUTBOUND] {
> if (t_branch_timeout() || !t_branch_replied()) {
> send_reply("430", "Flow Failed");
> }
> }
> event_route[xhttp:request] {
> set_reply_close();
> set_reply_no_connect();
> if ($Rp != MY_WS_PORT
> #!ifdef WITH_TLS
> && $Rp != MY_WSS_PORT
> #!endif
> ) {
> xlog("L_WARN", "HTTP request received on $Rp\n");
> xhttp_reply("403", "Forbidden", "", "");
> exit;
> }
> xlog("L_DBG", "HTTP Request Received\n");
> if ($hdr(Upgrade)=~"websocket"
> && $hdr(Connection)=~"Upgrade"
> && $rm=~"GET") {
> # Validate Host - make sure the client is using the correct
> # alias for WebSockets
> if ($hdr(Host) == $null || !is_myself("sip:" + $hdr(Host))) {
> xlog("L_WARN", "Bad host $hdr(Host)\n");
> xhttp_reply("403", "Forbidden", "", "");
> exit;
> }
> # Optional... validate Origin - make sure the client is from an
> # authorised website.  For example,
> #
> # if ($hdr(Origin) != "http://communicator.MY_DOMAIN"
> #     && $hdr(Origin) != "https://communicator.MY_DOMAIN") {
> # xlog("L_WARN", "Unauthorised client $hdr(Origin)\n");
> # xhttp_reply("403", "Forbidden", "", "");
> # exit;
>                 # }
> # Optional... perform HTTP authentication
> # ws_handle_handshake() exits (no further configuration file
> # processing of the request) when complete.
> if (ws_handle_handshake())
> {
> # Optional... cache some information about the
> # successful connection
> exit;
> }
> }
> xhttp_reply("404", "Not Found", "", "");
> }
> event_route[websocket:closed] {
> xlog("L_INFO", "WebSocket connection from $si:$sp has closed\n");
> }
> Thanks again!!!
> *Bruno Emer*
> Mobile: +55 11 96540-0044
> email: brunoemer at gmail.com
> <https://www.facebook.com/bruno.emer.5>
> <https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=86461237&trk=spm_pic>
> <https://twitter.com/brunoemer_>
> <https://www.flickr.com/photos/122070309@N03/>
> <http://google.com/+BrunoEmer>  <http://instagram.com/brunoemer_>
> 2014-09-22 12:40 GMT-03:00 Bruno Emer <brunoemer at gmail.com>:
> Hi, Daniel and Frank!
>> Thanks for your support!
>> Now, I changed my scenario just a lil bit to make it easy to understand
>> and deploy. I'm doing the following:
>>    1. Created a server using the "Outbound" module configuration example,
>> but add WebSocket support in it. (IP Address
>>    2. Created a server running as Proxy and Registrar with WebSockets
>> support. (IP Address
>>    3. Registered two users (bob and alice at enterprise.com) using WebRTC.
>> These users sent they Register requests to the Oubount server
>> (
>>    4. I'm also using an external postgres database to store the user
>> informations. In my proxy/registrar server, I've configurated
>> "modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 3)", so it will not store data in memory.
>> After register the users in my scenario, I can see the following
>> information stored in my database (output of kamctl db show location):
>>  id  |         ruid         | username |     domain     |
>>    contact                     |       received        | path |
>> expires       | q  |         callid         | cseq |    last_modified    |
>> flags | cflags |    user_agent     |       socket        | methods |
>>              instance                     | reg_id
>> -----+----------------------+----------+----------------+------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+------+---------------------+----+------------------------+------+---------------------+-------+--------+-------------------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------+--------
>>  277 | uloc-54203f71-10bd-2 | alice    | enterprise.com |
>> sip:v4s0prah at o35ctmdnnruv.invalid;transport=ws | sip: |
>>      | 2014-09-22 15:31:21 | -1 | udb4shpe4dnm1jsl6016s5 |   82 |
>> 2014-09-22 15:26:21 |     0 |      0 | JsSIP 0.4.0-devel | udp:
>> |     783 |
>> <urn:uuid:75c837d1-740a-4c62-baa0-56a06149699e> |      1
>>  278 | uloc-54203f71-10bc-2 | bob      | enterprise.com |
>> sip:lr78s270 at 0mkf6fgtprlh.invalid;transport=ws | sip: |
>>      | 2014-09-22 15:34:02 | -1 | 5mpl9q4bkuqsnpk8r316j5 |   82 |
>> 2014-09-22 15:29:02 |     0 |      0 | JsSIP 0.4.0-devel | udp:
>> |     783 |
>> <urn:uuid:e92ef911-1ae4-45b1-bfc9-b5752b0f2fe1> |      1
>> So, I can assume that both users are registered and ready to start
>> sessions.
>> Now, when I try to start a new session between then (let's say bob
>> calling alice) what I get in the endpoint is the following message:
>> SIP/2.0 500 I'm terribly sorry, server error occurred (1/SL)
>> Via: SIP/2.0/WS
>> 0mkf6fgtprlh.invalid;rport=33154;received=;branch=z9hG4bK7711221
>> To: <sip:alice at enterprise.com>;tag=94c1b96a0e6eb467885b5057e1e49f9e.1970
>> From: <sip:bob at enterprise.com>;tag=on056iipql
>> Call-ID: 5e1pmj2fppbgg13doi4k
>> CSeq: 3989 INVITE
>> Server: kamailio (4.1.5 (x86_64/linux))
>> Content-Length: 0
>> What I understood about this problem is that the Proxy server is trying
>> to forward the INVITE to the Outbound server and this server does not know
>> that to do with this message - like forward it to alice.
>> I'm stucked in this step.
>> Here you can find the configuration files that I'm using:
>> Outbound Server:
>> https://mega.co.nz/#!Wlw2RL7S!G2YOP-1QbSCeNQddaAe3kyQMqz8yteZlZsAUpjZX4v4
>> Proxy Server:
>> https://mega.co.nz/#!qxAXTbbb!4zBjRtmADdl3rPCN2Yidd3xnZEjFahW3GSMb00w41xc
>> Thanks again!
>> Bruno Emer
>> *Bruno Emer*
>> Mobile: +55 11 96540-0044
>> email: brunoemer at gmail.com
>> <https://www.facebook.com/bruno.emer.5>
>> <https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=86461237&trk=spm_pic>
>> <https://twitter.com/brunoemer_>
>> <https://www.flickr.com/photos/122070309@N03/>
>> <http://google.com/+BrunoEmer>  <http://instagram.com/brunoemer_>
>> 2014-09-18 18:04 GMT-03:00 Bruno Emer <brunoemer at gmail.com>:
>> Ok, Daniel!
>>> I am trying exactly what you said, but for some reason the proxy server
>>> can't forward the message back to the WebSocket server. I am getting
>>> "487 Unresolvable destination". Appears that my Proxy Server can't get data
>>> from usrloc.
>>> When I register an user using WebRTC I can see that the system stores
>>> the information in kamailio database and in the field "contact" it puts a
>>> string. The Proxy server is looking in database and just find this
>>> information. Actually, I'm trying to understand the entire process that
>>> envolves passing information from an Edge Server to a Proxy server that
>>> sends the Register information to another Registrar server (as I described
>>> before). The database is shared between all the servers, and they are in
>>> the same network.
>>> I just read the information in another topic, as you said, but I think
>>> that my case is a lil bit different from it. I you agree, I can post my
>>> configuration files here. Maybe this can help another users with the same
>>> problem!
>>> Thanks again!!!
>>> *Bruno Emer*
>>> Mobile: +55 11 96540-0044
>>> email: brunoemer at gmail.com
>>> <https://www.facebook.com/bruno.emer.5>
>>> <https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=86461237&trk=spm_pic>
>>> <https://twitter.com/brunoemer_>
>>> <https://www.flickr.com/photos/122070309@N03/>
>>> <http://google.com/+BrunoEmer>  <http://instagram.com/brunoemer_>
>>> 2014-09-17 9:13 GMT-03:00 Bruno Emer <brunoemer at gmail.com>:
>>> Hello!
>>>> I am relatively new to Kamailio and I'm trying to create a new
>>>> enviroment using it in my company. I am thinking about use Amazon to host
>>>> the servers and use OpsWorks to automatically escalate then if necessary.
>>>> To accomplish this, my idea is to separate the servers, using one dedicated
>>>> server to run as WebSocket, one to run as proxy and one as a Registrar.
>>>> I'll be using just one database to store informations to all of my servers.
>>>> With this, if I need more resources later, I can just create new servers
>>>> with the specific roles (WebSockets, Proxy, Registrar).
>>>> By now, the idea is clear, but the point is that I don't know how to
>>>> separate the WebSockets server from the proxy server. Actually, I can do
>>>> this, but when I have one agent using a regular softphone and one agent
>>>> using WebSockets (with JSSIP) they are not able to establish a session if
>>>> the softphone user starts it. Now, I want to know if is there a way to use
>>>> two websockets servers, register users using both of then and start
>>>> sessions between then, with a separated proxy and registrar.
>>>> Has anyone done this before? Is possible to use kamailio like this?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> *Bruno Emer*
>>>> Mobile: +55 11 96540-0044
>>>> email: brunoemer at gmail.com
>>>> <https://www.facebook.com/bruno.emer.5>
>>>> <https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=86461237&trk=spm_pic>
>>>> <https://twitter.com/brunoemer_>
>>>> <https://www.flickr.com/photos/122070309@N03/>
>>>> <http://google.com/+BrunoEmer>  <http://instagram.com/brunoemer_>
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