[SR-Users] Wrong from/to header compose way in print_to and print_from

dongwf dongwflj at 163.com
Wed Sep 17 10:06:39 CEST 2014

Hi kamailio dev:
I am writing a module to implement some features, my version is 4.1.2, I am not sure if it is a known issue, I found:
1. When I get a INVITE request with from/to like from:"display"<aaa at sip.com>, then I call tm's new_dlg_uas with the sip req, now the dlg's rem_uri set as value: "display"<aaa at sip.com>;
2. After that, when I need use the dlg to send BYE with tm's req_within with the above saved dlg, the print_to function will check the rem_uri's first value if "<" or not, now my uri has display name, so the outgoing BYE's to header becomes to:<"display"<aaa at sip.com>>, is it wrong? Should we check the last char in the rem_uri as ">"?

The detail code is :
static inline char* print_to(char* w, dlg_t* dialog, struct cell* t)
    t->to.s = w;
    t->to.len = TO_LEN + dialog->rem_uri.len + CRLF_LEN
        + ((dialog->rem_uri.s[0]!='<')?2:0);

    memapp(w, TO, TO_LEN);
    if(dialog->rem_uri.s[0]!='<') memapp(w, "<", 1);
    memapp(w, dialog->rem_uri.s, dialog->rem_uri.len);
    if(dialog->rem_uri.s[0]!='<') memapp(w, ">", 1);
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