[SR-Users] rtpengine does not send RTP packets out

Richard Fuchs rfuchs at sipwise.com
Mon Nov 3 14:59:05 CET 2014

On 11/01/14 15:39, Juan Perez wrote:
> Hi, I have kamilio-4.2 and rtpengine running on the same machine.
> I have this scenario:
> softphone --> Kamailio with Rtpengine --> Asterisk
> The softphone initiates the call, it is sent to the Asterisk. I can see
> the SDPs being re-written with the new IP/Ports provided by rtpengine:
> Invite from Kamailio to Asterisk
> 200 Ok from Kamailio to Softphone
> However,  I take a signaling/media capture on the server where the
> kamailio/rtpengine are running and see the RTP coming from both
> endpoints (softphone and asterisk) to the correct ports but there is no
> packets coming out from the proxy to either direction.
> I see these 2 lines on the rtpengine log and make me think that
> something prevents the rtpengine to stream out to the 2 endpoints:
> Nov  1 18:59:26 ip-10-0-2-68 rtpengine[27764]:
> [0866b358-dc9c-1232-1399-3767db69b8dd port 35038] Write error on RTP socket

Seeing as you're using the "direction" options, can you double check
that the local IP addresses that you've configured at the command line
are actually addresses bound to local interfaces on the machine?


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