[SR-Users] kamailio db

Slava Bendersky volga629 at networklab.ca
Sat Mar 29 02:32:24 CET 2014

Hello Daniel, 
After looking on debug I have question, about this debug 

9(2046) DEBUG: <core> [parser/parse_addr_spec.c:893]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29 
9(2046) DEBUG: <core> [parser/msg_parser.c:190]: get_hdr_field(): DEBUG: get_hdr_field: <To> [82]; uri=[sip:120 at networklab.loc;transport=UDP] 
9(2046) DEBUG: <core> [parser/msg_parser.c:192]: get_hdr_field(): DEBUG: to body [<sip:120 at networklab.loc;transport=UDP>] 
9(2046) DEBUG: sl [sl_funcs.c:431]: sl_filter_ACK(): SL local ACK found -> dropping it! --- ? I wonder what it s mean. 
9(2046) DEBUG: <core> [usr_avp.c:644]: destroy_avp_list(): DEBUG:destroy_avp_list: destroying list (nil) 
9(2046) DEBUG: <core> [usr_avp.c:644]: destroy_avp_list(): DEBUG:destroy_avp_list: destroying list (nil) 
9(2046) DEBUG: <core> [usr_avp.c:644]: destroy_avp_list(): DEBUG:destroy_avp_list: destroying list (nil) 
9(2046) DEBUG: <core> [usr_avp.c:644]: destroy_avp_list(): DEBUG:destroy_avp_list: destroying list (nil) 
9(2046) DEBUG: <core> [usr_avp.c:644]: destroy_avp_list(): DEBUG:destroy_avp_list: destroying list (nil) 
9(2046) DEBUG: <core> [usr_avp.c:644]: destroy_avp_list(): DEBUG:destroy_avp_list: destroying list (nil) 
9(2046) DEBUG: <core> [xavp.c:448]: xavp_destroy_list(): destroying xavp list (nil) 
9(2046) DEBUG: <core> [receive.c:296]: receive_msg(): receive_msg: cleaning up 


----- Original Message -----

From: info at vintageelectronics.ca 
To: miconda at gmail.com, "Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List" <sr-users at lists.sip-router.org> 
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2014 8:29:53 PM 
Subject: Re: [SR-Users] kamailio db 


Following up. 


On 03/27/2014 04:44 PM, info at vintageelectronics.ca wrote: 
> Daniel, 
> I found your writeup at 
> http://kb.asipto.com/kamailio:skype-like-service-in-less-than-one-hour 
> and tried to follow it. 
> Jitsi would not connect even though it is running in the same box as 
> Kamailio set up exactly as the linked page suggested. 
> No firewalls exist between them. 
> It connects fine over TCP and works, it also connects fine over UDP 
> but cannot send/receive text messages and voice does not work. 
> But over TLS it never connects, and never times out - it just sits 
> there connecting. 
> I tried changing the port ## for TLS from 5060 to 5061 etc and even 
> creating an SRV record on the local DNS server for this LAN, but 
> nothing worked. 
> Can you suggest any troubleshooting steps? 
> Thank you! 
> ve 
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