[SR-Users] 401 after a 302

Marc Soda msoda at coredial.com
Fri Mar 14 13:43:14 CET 2014

I found t_on_branch_failure() in 4.1.  Would that be the way to handle this?

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 1:36 PM, Marc Soda <msoda at coredial.com> wrote:

> Can someone tell me how to handle a 401 from a 302 redirect?  I am
> attempting to register with the uac module.  Normally, I set a failure
> route for the 401 and call auc_auth().  In this case, I am receiving a 302,
> sending the register with get_redirects(), then getting a 401.  However,
> Kamailio seems to be ignoring the 401.  I see it in an onrely_route, but
> not a failure route.
> failure_route[REG_AUTH] {
>   xlog("L_NOTICE","route[REG_AUTH]\n");
>   # Handle redirects
>   if ($T_reply_code == 302) {
>     get_redirects("*", "Redirected");
>     t_on_failure("REG_AUTH");
>     route(RELAY);
>   } else if ($T_reply_code == 401) {
>     uac_auth();
>     t_on_reply("REG_REPLY");
>     route(RELAY);
>  }
> }
> route[RELAY] {
>   xlog("L_NOTICE","route[RELAY] ($rm)\n");
>   if (is_method("INVITE|BYE|SUBSCRIBE|UPDATE")) {
>     if (!t_is_set("branch_route")) t_on_branch("MANAGE_BRANCH");
>   }
>   if (is_method("INVITE|SUBSCRIBE|UPDATE")) {
>     if (!t_is_set("onreply_route")) t_on_reply("MANAGE_REPLY");
>   }
>   if (is_method("INVITE")) {
>     if (!t_is_set("failure_route")) t_on_failure("MANAGE_FAILURE");
>   }
>   xlog("L_NOTICE","t_relay()'ing ($rm)\n");
>   if (!t_relay()) {
>     sl_reply_error();
>   }
>   exit;
> }
> Thanks!
> Marc


Marc Soda, Sr. Systems Engineer
*CoreDial, LLC* | www.coredial.com

1787 Sentry Parkway West, Building 16, Suite 100, Blue Bell, PA 19422
Office: (215) 297-4400 x203 | Fax: (215) 297-4401 | Email:
msoda at coredial.com

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