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Stuart Feeser sfeeser at gmail.com
Tue Jan 28 17:54:44 CET 2014

Regarding the sem_post problem, here is an old email from Tomasz
Gebarowski which is interesting because it states that he had a
sem_post issue with cdp.so which he solved by modifying the
modules/cdp/Makefile. Now if we skip forward to right now, I notice that
cdp.so COMPILE and LINKS for me with no errors and I also notice that
Tomasz' fix is in place, but other ims modules that also use semaphore do
NOT link properly for me in ubuntu and are exhibiting the same *undefined
symbol: sem_post* error Tomasz had years ago in his ubuntu compiles. I
think (hope) this may be more than coincidence that these things are
related??? I have tried Tomasz' fix with an ubuntu compile but I still get
the sem_post error. I still think he is on to something here and I am NOT
modifying the Makefile correctly. Any suggestions on specifics to test this
theory are greatly welcome. Here is Tomansz' email.....
Tomasz Gebarowski gebarowski at gmail.com
Thu Dec 29 22:19:55 CET 2011
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I've just googled some old post from October 2011, describing an issue
with crashing I-CSCF and S-CSCF. The log message was something like:

 0(2142) ERROR: load_module: could not open module /opt/OpenIMSCore/ser_ims/
 modules/cdp/cdp.so>: /opt/OpenIMSCore/ser_ims/modules/cdp/cdp.so:
undefined symbol: sem_post

I managed to fix this issue on Ubuntu 11.10. It seems that UBUNTU,
required linking cdp.so against pthread. Below you can find a simple patch:

Index: modules/cdp/Makefile
--- Makefile    (revision 1175)
+++ Makefile    (working copy)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@

  DEFS += -I/usr/include/libxml2
-LIBS += -L$(LOCALBASE)/lib -lxml2 -lrt
+LIBS += -L$(LOCALBASE)/lib -lxml2 -lrt -lpthread

  include ../../Makefile.modules
Stuart Feeser
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