[SR-Users] Kamailio and MSILO with TLS AORs

Roberto Fichera kernel at tekno-soft.it
Thu Apr 17 10:36:39 CEST 2014

On 04/16/2014 07:15 PM, Roberto Fichera wrote:

Hi All,

> On 04/16/2014 06:53 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
>> Hello,
> Ciao Daniel,
>> most likely the messages are looped back, be sure you allow requests from 'myself' without authentication.
>> You can watch loopback interface with ngrep to see if the messages are sent out.
> Yep! Allowing requests from myself solved the problem! Thanks!
> Another thing regarding MSILO, I would like to preserve some custom header fields
> for both instant message and notification. How can I do it?

I was able to solve this issue too, pretty straight I mean, there is the extra_hdrs_avp param
which did the trick. BTW, is there a way to send back the notification to the sender that
the message has been sent correctly via m_dump(), so to get a 200 about the given
m_dump()ed message?

Thanks in advance,
Roberto Fichera.

> Cheers,
> Roberto Fichera.
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel
>> On 16/04/14 18:46, Roberto Fichera wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I've started to play with  MSILO module on kamailio v4.1.2, but it seems that all the stored
>>> messages aren't delivered to the give user even if, looking at the debug log, the given messages
>>> are found and queued for shipping. Another info I can add is that all the users are connected in
>>> TLS. The relevant conf is below. Doe anyone can suggest a working setup for TLS users?
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Roberto Fichera.
>>> # ----- msilo params -----
>>> modparam("msilo", "db_url", DBURL)
>>> modparam("msilo", "from_address", "sip:$rU at test.net")
>>> modparam("msilo", "contact_hdr", "Contact: msilo at test.net:5060;msilo=yes\r\n")
>>> modparam("msilo", "content_type_hdr", "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n")
>>> # Handle SIP registrations
>>> route[REGISTRAR] {
>>>          if (is_method("REGISTER"))
>>>          {
>>>              if(isflagset(FLT_NATS))
>>>              {
>>>                    setbflag(FLB_NATB);
>>>                     # uncomment next line to do SIP NAT pinging
>>>                     ## setbflag(FLB_NATSIPPING);
>>>             }
>>>            # MSILO - dumping user's offline messages
>>>           if (m_dump())
>>>           {
>>>              xlog("MSILO: offline messages dumped - if they were for user $fu\n");
>>>           }
>>>           else
>>>           {
>>>             xlog("MSILO: no offline messages dumped\n");
>>>           }
>>>           exit;
>>>      }
>>> }
>>> and in the route[LOCATION] I've this snippet
>>>       xlog( "Checking the destination user $rU exists\n");
>>>        if(avp_db_query("select username from subscriber where username='$rU'"))
>>>        {
>>>            xlog("MESSAGE received $ru -> storing using MSILO user=$rU\n");
>>>            if(m_store("$ru"))
>>>            {
>>>               xlog("MSILO: offline message stored\n");
>>>               if (!t_reply("202", "Accepted"))
>>>               {
>>>                  sl_reply_error();
>>>               }
>>>            }
>>>            else
>>>            {
>>>               xlog("MSILO: offline message NOT stored\n");
>>>               if (!t_reply("503", "Service Unavailable"))
>>>               {
>>>                  sl_reply_error();
>>>               }
>>>            }
>>>            # if the downstream UA doesn't support MESSAGE requests
>>>            # go to failure_route[1]
>>>            t_on_failure("1");
>>>            exit;
>>>        }
>>>        else
>>>        {
>>>            # The destination recipiend doen't exist
>>>            xlog( "Unable to store message for $ru because the user doesn't exist" );
>>>            if (!t_reply("404", "Not Found"))
>>>            {
>>>               sl_reply_error();
>>>            }
>>>            exit;
>>>         }
>>>      }
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