[SR-Users] Kamailio 4.1 and Cisco 79xx Integration Work

Jonathan Hunter hunterj91 at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 4 17:08:46 CEST 2014

Hi Guys,
I'm doing some work, with Legacy Cisco phones, its a long story but I need to manipulate signaling due to firmware limitations.
I am looking to implement a workaround, whereby I need to modify an ACK, so that it sends the RURI is sent to port 5060, and the destination Port at the IP layer is unchanged, I can do this with static values as below;

 sethostport("");         t_relay("","38596");
In terms of doing this for multiple sites I need to use pseudo variables, so I wondered how this could be achieved, as t_relay or forward dont support dynamic values to this point, or do they?
Any comments would be great.
Many thanks
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