[SR-Users] LCR weight

Ricardo Martinez rmartinez at redvoiss.net
Mon Jan 7 21:52:40 CET 2013


I have a doubt about the WEIGHT value  in the LCR module.  In the past we
used the Kamailio version 1.5.2 and in that version LCR weight was
calculated by a little script called lcr_weight_script.php.  There was not
“percent” values like 50% and 50% for two gateways despite that  the
probabilities were numbers calculated by the script.  My question is  : For
Kamailio version 3.2.4  do I have to use the same script to calculate the
weight?? I was almost sure that the weight column was a probability value.

For example if I have 3 gateways, with 50% 25% and 25%

The weight column should be : 50, 25 and 25 ? or 45, 32 and 32 as the
script indicates???

[root at vlcr utils]# ./lcr_weight_test.sh 45 32 32

weight 45 probability 0.5235

weight 32 probability 0.2352

weight 32 probability 0.2413

Please enlighten me here.


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