[SR-Users] modifying global data-structures using Rtimer module

Kiran Bhosale kiranbhosale2 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 05:34:41 CET 2013


we  have  developed the custom module which stores the registered users  in
a file.now we are trying to remove the expired  contacts using the rtimer
module.while saving  the  registered users  to the file  we also store the
expires  values in static  array.but when  we  try  to decrement the
these  values  in a function called  with the help of rtimer  module. the
values used  by this  periodic  function are not modified ones but the
initial which are zero. is it that  we cant pass  the modified  values of
the global variables to the timed  functions. to get around  this  problem,
we also registered the timer in our module but got  same results !!!!!!!

Please  Help.

Thanks and regards .
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