[SR-Users] How does rtpproxy handle handover?

Khoa Pham onmyway133 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 14 11:09:40 CEST 2013

Hi Daniel,

My clients don't do anything when IP change occurs.From what I inspect, it
is because of rtpproxy does not accept the 2nd IP change.
The the rtpproxy protocol document
http://www.rtpproxy.org/wiki/RTPproxy/Protocol, the Update and Lookup
command have [arg] parameters.
U[args] callid addr port from_tag [to_tag [notify_socket [notify_args]]]
L[args] callid addr port from_tag to_tag

I see Kamailio often send Uc and Lc to rtpproxy. I still can't find out
what these arg mean, but maybe it's the point

On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda at gmail.com
> wrote:

>  Hello,
> On 8/13/13 5:56 AM, Khoa Pham wrote:
>  I have SIP proxy (Kamailio) works in conjunction with rtpproxy<http://www.rtpproxy.org/> to
> support client communication. When SIP proxy sends command to rtpproxy to
> create new session, rtpproxy will create 2 ports (let's called them port1
> and port2). rtpproxy has 1 listen interface
> Supposed A and B are 2 clients that use rtpproxy to relay RTP stream, and
> works fine.
> A <---> port1 [*rtpproxy*] port2 <---> B
>  Now that A loses his current network, and enter network2 (imagine a
> network handover) to become A2. In this case, I see rtpproxy still works
> fine by relaying stream between A2 and B
> A2 <---> port1 [*rtpproxy*] port2 <---> B
>  But when A2 lose his network2 and enters network3 to become A3, rtpproxy
> stills relay stream between A2 and B. It seems that A can change his
> network only once.
> A2 <---> port1 [*rtpproxy*] port2 <---> B
> A3
>  Why did the first handover succeed? How can I change rtpproxy behavior to
> support many handovers ?
> what I expect that happened between A and A2 is that the client
> application sent a re-INVITE with its new IP address. But then it didn't
> happen when going to A3. Rtpproxy itself can do nothing here. You should
> look at sip traffic to see what happens.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> --
> Daniel-Constantin Mierla - http://www.asipto.comhttp://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
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Khoa Pham
HCMC University of Science
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