[SR-Users] rfc: accounting records time details

Andreas Granig agranig at sipwise.com
Mon Apr 29 14:15:42 CEST 2013


On 04/29/2013 11:47 AM, Thilo Bangert wrote:
> I'd just save one timestamp, ie TAI64 or as java does miliseconds since epoch,
> in a single, new field. saving the timestamp in two fields seems messy.


> miliseconds since epoch is probably preferable, since it can be converted to
> human readable dates by the database server.

What I like about the DECIMAL approach is that it's (at least in MySQL) 
usable with from_unixtime functions, in case you need quick access to 
human readable format. Up until 5.1 it only shows seconds precision in 
that case, not sure about high resolution precision in 5.6 where 
timestamp seems to support microseconds.

Also not sure about compatibility with other DB engines.


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