[SR-Users] path uri problem

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Tue Apr 9 11:59:19 CEST 2013

Andrew Pogrebennyk writes:

> I don't see why you think that ; and = should be escaped.
> rfc3327 chapter 4 says:
>    The syntax for Path is defined as follows:
>    Path = "Path" HCOLON path-value *( COMMA path-value )
>    path-value = name-addr *( SEMI rr-param )

because path-value starts with name-addr and my interpretation is that
since there are <>s around this path header body:

Path: <sip:;transport=tcp;lr;received='sip:'>

solely consists of name-addr and does not include any rr-params.  sip
uri included in name-addr in turn cannot have ; and = in its param

it turned out that save error had nothing to do with syntax of path
header, but was due to a bug that i fixed.

-- juha

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