[SR-Users] Getting started with Kamailio

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Sun Sep 16 07:55:32 CEST 2012

Joel Smith | VOZELIA writes:

> And now I see LCR module being loaded at startup. But, I don't understand
> what gw_uri_avp, ruri_user_avp or tag_avp mean. Where can I find some
> doc/manual to understand what AVP means and does? (For example the
> $avp(i:709), etc.)

see http://www.kamailio.org/wiki/cookbooks/3.3.x/pseudovariables and

> mysql> select * from lcr_rule;
> +----+--------+--------+----------+-------------+---------+---------+
> | id | lcr_id | prefix | from_uri | request_uri | stopper | enabled |
> +----+--------+--------+----------+-------------+---------+---------+
> |  1 |      1 | .*     |          |             |       0 |       1 |
> +----+--------+--------+----------+-------------+---------+---------+

'prefix' value cannot be regular expression.  see lcr README.

-- juha

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