[SR-Users] Question about acc module

Olle E. Johansson oej at edvina.net
Tue Oct 30 08:52:27 CET 2012

29 okt 2012 kl. 14:51 skrev "Thorsten Willand" <twilland at web.de>:

> Hi,
> Maybe this question was already answered but I couldn’t find them. Wrong search terms perhaps.
> In the kamailio (Vers. 3.1.2) table acc of the acc module all active transactions are listed, correct? But when a client disconnects without a correct “bye” (problem with connection, bad protocol/codec implementation, etc) the transaction is still there until the end of time.

YOu are mixing transactions with dialogs/calls. The ACC module mainly lists transactions. This means that an INVITE and a BYE are separate transactions with no relationship. If the BYE is missing, the INVITE was still a completed transaction and will be logged.

The ACC module has some support for dialog-based logging with the dialog module - is this what you are using? With the dialog module you can have kamailio end calls with a BYE based on a timer.

> Is there a cleanup process or a parameter to set in the config to avoid/delete the dead transactions?

The question here is if you mean calls without a bye or really mean a "dead" SIP transaction? 


* Olle E. Johansson - oej at edvina.net
* Kamailio & SIP Masterclass Miami FL December 2012
* http://edvina.net/training/

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