[SR-Users] Newbie question about RLS/XCAP/batch'd NOTIFYs
Peter Dunkley
peter.dunkley at crocodile-rcs.com
Sat Oct 6 20:11:50 CEST 2012
The correct way to do something like this is with a polled subscription. Instead of sending a normal, dialog-forming, SUBSCRIBE from the client you send a single, out-of-dialog, SUBSCRIBE with an expires value of 0. The server should then send a single NOTIFY containing the full set of presence information without creating a dialog (so no further NOTIFYs).
You can send these SUBCRIBEs at whatever frequency you require.
Unfortunately, Kamailio does not currently support polled subscriptions.
On 6 Oct 2012, at 10:16, Dmytro Bogovych <dmytro.bogovych at gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings.
> I try to make iOS voip application with presence information.
> iOS does not let too frequent network updates from server side when
> runs in background mode.
> So I cannot rely on plain PUBLISH / SUBSCRIBE scheme - it leads to
> restart of application by iOS in many cases.
> Please see this post for details:
> https://devforums.apple.com/message/565667#565667
> The question.
> Can Kamailio provide way to reduce the number of NOTIFYs?
> I see it as
> 1) iOS application creates & uploads RLS via XCAP
> 2) iOS application asks server about changes in presence information
> once per 10 minutes or when application goes to foreground state. The
> best way is to receive single batch'd NOTIFY answer for all watched
> peers.
> Is it possible to implement with kamailio?
> Thank you :)
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