[SR-Users] Validate domains, expose sip_hostport2su or similar

Øyvind Kolbu oyvind.kolbu at usit.uio.no
Tue May 29 11:29:23 CEST 2012


is there a way to validate a domain, e.g. it resolves to something, without
calling t_relay() or forward() and checking the return code?
In my case I'd like to validate enum results before dispatching it
to our outbound proxies. If not valid I must use the pstn servers.

In the logs I can see a function named sip_hostport2su does some
validation, but it seems to be a c-function only. From the log:

ERROR: <core> [resolve.c:1540]: ERROR: sip_hostport2su: could not resolve hostname: "example.org"
ERROR: tm [ut.h:327]: failed to resolve "example.org"

Øyvind Kolbu

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