[SR-Users] Accounting '180 Ringing' without SDP

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Wed May 9 15:12:05 CEST 2012


I don't remember by hart all the parameter options for acc module, but 
for accounting an event is always a backup route - use 
acc_db_request(...) when that event happens -- in this case should be an 
onreply_route with a condition on status code 180.


On 5/9/12 1:32 PM, Stephen Dodge (Bistech) wrote:
> Hello,
> We are running Kamailio 3.1.5 and using the acc module to generate 
> CDRs and provide reporting information.  We have a requirement to 
> report ring time and we do this by accounting on early media for 183 
> provisional responses.  Unfortunately we have a couple of customer 
> PBX's that cannot provide a SDP with the ringing response.  i.e they 
> just respond with a '180 ringing'.
> My understanding of the module is that the "early_media" parameter is 
> looking for a SDP in either a 180 or 183 response before accounting.   
> Although it may be possible to account the 180 without SDP using the 
> acc module  I cannot find anything obvious in the documentation.
> If it is possible could someone point me in the right direction or 
> suggest a creative solution,   otherwise can I ask that this 
> functionality be introduced.
> Many Thanks.
> Steve Dodge.
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Daniel-Constantin Mierla - http://www.asipto.com
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