[SR-Users] pua_reginfo: no Username in PUBLISH message

Gnaneshwar Gatla GGatla at InTouchHealth.com
Fri May 4 21:14:59 CEST 2012

Hey Daniel, Carsten,

I have the latest version of the code Kamailio 3.2.3. and multi-domain enabled.
username: Kamailio
Password: 99Teaz

I have tried to debug this myself,

1.       ul.get_udomain(c->domain->s, &domain), returns a null domain.

2.       ul.get_urecord(domain, c->aor, &record), does return a valid record but the aor for the record is null.

3.       Since the domain is null, a default domain is used which is perfectly ok. But the default domain is being used to build a sip uri

uri.len = snprintf(uri.s, uri.len, "sip:%.*s@%.*s", record->aor.len, record->aor.s, default_domain.len, default_domain.s);

which builds uri = sip@<default_domain>

lastly reginfo_handle_notify() reports error invalid command, forgot to load module. When I checked the source code in pua_reginfo.c this function accepts 1 parameter,
I checked the coded that which was not using any parameter, and changed number of parameters to zero for and it worked.

Thank you for looking into this, I'm trying to build a scalable Healthcare SIP network and Kamailio is the backbone for this.
Gnaneshwar Gatla | InTouch Health | Software Developer
6330 Hollister Ave. Goleta CA, 93117 | P: 805.562.8686 ext: 199

From: Daniel-Constantin Mierla [mailto:miconda at gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 1:49 AM
To: SIP Router - Kamailio (OpenSER) and SIP Express Router (SER) - Users Mailing List
Cc: Gnaneshwar Gatla; Carsten Bock
Subject: Re: [SR-Users] pua_reginfo: no Username in PUBLISH message


can you update latest kamailio 3.2.3, there were some fixes to reginfo modules. Not sure if related, but at least is going to be the right version to troubleshoot on.

Is your configuration set for multi-domain or not?

Maybe Carsten, the developer, cc-ed, can provide other hints. It will be helpful to get the log messages with debug=3.


On 5/3/12 12:09 AM, Gnaneshwar Gatla wrote:

I was looking at the pua_reginfo to make multiple instances of Kamailio be aware of registered users on the network.
I'm experimenting with pua_reginfo with Kamailio 3.2.2. I've used the configuration as described in http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/3.2.x/modules_k/pua_reginfo.html#id2551427
I tried an trial run of the Kamailio instance and it gives the following output

PUBLISH sip:@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKb62c.b8e3d5b5.0
To: sip:@
From: sip:@;tag=533cb9e91f4b999cf76861cbb9ed54ed-e085
Call-ID: 17dedfff-14418 at<mailto:17dedfff-14418 at>
Content-Length: 320
Max-Forwards: 70
Event: reg
Expires: 3601
Content-Type: application/reginfo+xml

<reginfo xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:reginfo" version="0" state="full">
  <registration aor="sip:@"<sip:@> id="0xb6ef7740" state="active">
    <contact id="0xb4d1f820" state="active" event="registered" expires="60" callid="ZmRjZDg3MmIxMjI5NmU1OWU0YjJlYWUzYzhjZDViM2I." cseq="2">
      <uri>sip:ggatla01 at;rinstance=27b18eed9568795e;transport=udp</uri>

The PUA module does not insert username in the Request, To and From headers while publishing for Event: reg. The xml payload is right but the "aor" does not have the username.
Is there anything missing that I need to configure?

Lastly, the presence module in the same Kamailio instance is generating "478 Unresolvable destination" for this message.

Gnaneshwar Gatla | InTouch Health | Software Developer
6330 Hollister Ave. Goleta CA, 93117 | P: 805.562.8686 ext: 199


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