No subject
Wed Jun 27 05:48:46 CEST 2012
d control is the way overload is signaled from a SIP server that is reachin=
g overload condition to its upstream neighbors. ...... Implicit overload co=
ntrol uses the absence of responses and packet loss as an indication of ove=
rload. "The Central Weather Bureau of Taiwan has implemented implicit SIP o=
verload control algorithm in their early earthquake warning system with SIP=
=2C as shown by the paper "An Efficient=20
Earthquake Early Warning Message Delivery Algorithm Using an in Time=20
Control-Theoretic Approach" in the following link. We have imp=
lemented three different types of implicit SIP overload control algorithms =
using OPNET simulator ( Our OPNET codes are availabl=
e for non-commerical use or open-source project upon request. Please note t=
hat implicit SIP overload control algorithms only rely on the feekback of "=
200 OK" messages=2C therefore=2C they do not require any modification on S=
IP header or RFC standardization process. We have published an exhaustic =
literature survey on explicit and implicit SIP overload control up to the r=
elated publications until March 2011=2C because the submission deadline of =
book chapter was March 2011. The original draft of our book chapter "A Comp=
arative Study of SIP Overload Control Algorithms" is available free of char=
ge for non-commerical use or open-source project upon request.
496 If any software engineers want to implement implicit SIP overload cont=
rol in either Kamailio or OpenSIPs=2C I can cooperate with them for softwar=
e implementation. Currently I am a software engineer for cloud web service. Best regards=2C Yang=20
> From: mkaplan at
> To: sr-users at
> Date: Thu=2C 26 Jul 2012 15:37:40 +0000
> Subject: Re: [SR-Users] Overload Control
> Thanks=2C this is very much what I was looking for. It appears the rateli=
mit/piplimit modules offer some degree of overload control through queue dr=
ops and invite rejections based on a server's local cpu load. Some of the o=
ther overload control mechanisms described in the RFC (e.g. window based co=
ntrol and loss based control) would also be of interest to me. Not sure if =
public implementations exist or if they are restricted to research implemen=
tations. Thanks for the pointer to ratelimit nevertheless.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sr-users-bounces at [mailto:sr-users-bounces at list=] On Behalf Of Alex Balashov
> Sent: Wednesday=2C July 25=2C 2012 2:39 PM
> To: sr-users at
> Subject: Re: [SR-Users] Overload Control
> But also=2C check out this module:
> On 07/25/2012 02:33 PM=2C Kaplan=2C Michael A wrote:
> > Sure - I'm referring to mechanisms for the server to advertise to upstr=
eam neighbors to reduce request rates. This could include methods that appe=
ar in RFC 6357 (e.g. rate-limits=2C window-based control=2C loss-rate enfor=
cement). I suppose the try-again-after method would be of interest as well.
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: sr-users-bounces at
> > [mailto:sr-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Alex=20
> > Balashov
> > Sent: Wednesday=2C July 25=2C 2012 2:29 PM
> > To: sr-users at
> > Subject: Re: [SR-Users] Overload Control
> >
> > Can you elaborate as to what you mean by that term=2C "overload control=
> >
> > On 07/25/2012 01:49 PM=2C Kaplan=2C Michael A wrote:
> >
> >> Folks=2C
> >>
> >> I'm trying to figure out if either Kamailio or OpenSIPs provides the=20
> >> various overload control algorithms recommended in the IETF or=20
> >> elsewhere. I haven't found documentation to this effect. Has anyone=20
> >> looked into this or used such techniques?
> >>
> >> Thanks=2C
> >>
> >> Mike
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing=20
> >> list sr-users at
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > --
> > Alex Balashov - Principal
> > Evariste Systems LLC
> > 235 E Ponce de Leon Ave
> > Suite 106
> > Decatur=2C GA 30030
> > Tel: +1-678-954-0670
> > Fax: +1-404-961-1892
> > Web:
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing=20
> > list sr-users at
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing=20
> > list sr-users at
> >
> >
> --
> Alex Balashov - Principal
> Evariste Systems LLC
> 235 E Ponce de Leon Ave
> Suite 106
> Decatur=2C GA 30030
> Tel: +1-678-954-0670
> Fax: +1-404-961-1892
> Web:
> _______________________________________________
> SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list s=
r-users at
> _______________________________________________
> SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list
> sr-users at
Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
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.hmmessage P
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<body class=3D'hmmessage'><div dir=3D'ltr'>
Dear all=2C<BR> =3B<BR> =3B<BR>>=3BKaplan=2C Michael A wrote:<br>=
>=3B Sure - I'm referring to mechanisms for the server to advertise to up=
stream neighbors to reduce request rates. This could include methods that a=
ppear >=3B in RFC 6357 (e.g. rate-limits=2C window-based control=2C loss-=
rate enforcement). I suppose the try-again-after method would be of interes=
t as well.<br>>=3B<BR>IETF RFC 6357 "Design Considerations for Session In=
itiation Protocol (SIP) Overload Control"<br>Can be found in the following =
link.<br><a href=3D"">http://tools.iet=</a><BR> =3B<BR>Please note that mechanisms for th=
e server to advertise to upstream neighbors to reduce request rates must mo=
dify SIP header. This is called "Explicit Overload Control Feedback" in RFC=
6357. Unfortunately Changing the SIP header requires a time-consuming stand=
ardization process=2C because all the SIP servers from different service pr=
oviders in different countries have to implement new SIP with new headers.&=
nbsp=3B <BR> =3B<BR> =3B<BR> =3B<BR>>=3BKaplan=2C Michael A w=
rote:<br>>=3BSome of the other overload control mechanisms described in t=
he RFC (e.g. window based control and loss based control) would also be of =
interest to me. Not sure if public implementations exist or if they are res=
tricted to research implementations. <BR>Yes. "Explicit Overload Control Fe=
edback" proposed by RFC6357 are restricted to research implementations. Pub=
lic implementations require cooperation from all the service providers of S=
IP. However=2C implicit overload control does not require any modification =
of SIP header and time-consuming standardization process. Any SIP server ca=
n implement implicit overload control. <BR> =3B<BR> =3B<BR>>=3BAl=
ex Balashov wrote:<br>>=3BYou can always construct such a reply yourself=
=2C and append headers to it.<BR>Yes. But appending headerers requires RFC =
standardization process and cooperation from all the service providers of S=
IP at different countries all over the world.<br><BR> =3B<br>From FRC 6=
357=2C "The main difference between explicit and implicit overload control =
is the way overload is signaled from a SIP server that is reaching overload=
condition to its upstream neighbors. ...... Implicit overload control uses=
the absence of responses and packet loss as an indication of overload. "<B=
R>The Central Weather Bureau of Taiwan has implemented implicit SIP overloa=
d control algorithm in their early earthquake warning system with SIP=2C as=
shown by the paper "<a title=3D"Link to Chapter" href=3D"http://www.spring=">An Efficient=20
Earthquake Early Warning Message Delivery Algorithm Using an in Time=20
Control-Theoretic Approach</a>" in the following link.<br><a href=3D"http:/=
/">http://www.spring=</a><BR> =3B<BR> =3B<B=
R>We have implemented three different types of implicit SIP overload contro=
l algorithms using OPNET simulator (<a href=3D"">http:=
//</a>). Our OPNET codes are available for non-commerical use=
or open-source project upon request. Please note that implicit SIP overloa=
d control algorithms only rely on the feekback of "200 OK" =3B messages=
=2C therefore=2C they do not require any modification on SIP header or RFC =
standardization process. <BR> =3B<BR> =3B<BR>We have published an e=
xhaustic literature survey on explicit and implicit SIP overload control up=
to the related publications until March 2011=2C because the submission dea=
dline of book chapter was March 2011. The original draft of our book chapte=
r "A Comparative Study of SIP Overload Control Algorithms" is available fre=
e of charge for non-commerical use or open-source project upon request.<br>=
<a href=3D"
rload-control/67496</a><BR> =3B<BR> =3B<BR>If any software engineer=
s want to implement implicit SIP overload control in either Kamailio or Ope=
nSIPs=2C I can cooperate with them for software implementation. Currently I=
am a software engineer for cloud web service.<br><a href=3D"http://www.inb="></a><BR>&nb=
sp=3B<BR> =3B<BR>Best regards=2C<BR> =3B<BR>Yang =3B<br> =
=3B<BR><div><div id=3D"SkyDrivePlaceholder"></div>>=3B From: mkaplan at appc=<br>>=3B To: sr-users at<br>>=3B Date: Thu=
=2C 26 Jul 2012 15:37:40 +0000<br>>=3B Subject: Re: [SR-Users] Overload C=
ontrol<br>>=3B <br>>=3B Thanks=2C this is very much what I was looking =
for. It appears the ratelimit/piplimit modules offer some degree of overloa=
d control through queue drops and invite rejections based on a server's loc=
al cpu load. Some of the other overload control mechanisms described in the=
RFC (e.g. window based control and loss based control) would also be of in=
terest to me. Not sure if public implementations exist or if they are restr=
icted to research implementations. Thanks for the pointer to ratelimit neve=
rtheless.<br>>=3B <br>>=3B <br>>=3B -----Original Message-----<br>>=
=3B From: sr-users-bounces at [mailto:sr-users-bounces at li=] On Behalf Of Alex Balashov<br>>=3B Sent: Wednesday=2C=
July 25=2C 2012 2:39 PM<br>>=3B To: sr-users at<br>>=
=3B Subject: Re: [SR-Users] Overload Control<br>>=3B <br>>=3B But also=
=2C check out this module:<br>>=3B <br>>=3B
s/modules/3.3.x/modules/pipelimit.html<br>>=3B <br>>=3B On 07/25/2012 0=
2:33 PM=2C Kaplan=2C Michael A wrote:<br>>=3B <br>>=3B >=3B Sure - I'=
m referring to mechanisms for the server to advertise to upstream neighbors=
to reduce request rates. This could include methods that appear in RFC 635=
7 (e.g. rate-limits=2C window-based control=2C loss-rate enforcement). I su=
ppose the try-again-after method would be of interest as well.<br>>=3B &g=
t=3B<br>>=3B >=3B<br>>=3B >=3B -----Original Message-----<br>>=3B=
>=3B From: sr-users-bounces at <br>>=3B >=3B [mail=
to:sr-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Alex <br>>=3B >=
=3B Balashov<br>>=3B >=3B Sent: Wednesday=2C July 25=2C 2012 2:29 PM<br=
>>=3B >=3B To: sr-users at<br>>=3B >=3B Subject: =
Re: [SR-Users] Overload Control<br>>=3B >=3B<br>>=3B >=3B Can you e=
laborate as to what you mean by that term=2C "overload control"?<br>>=3B =
>=3B<br>>=3B >=3B On 07/25/2012 01:49 PM=2C Kaplan=2C Michael A wrote=
:<br>>=3B >=3B<br>>=3B >=3B>=3B Folks=2C<br>>=3B >=3B>=3B<b=
r>>=3B >=3B>=3B I'm trying to figure out if either Kamailio or OpenSI=
Ps provides the <br>>=3B >=3B>=3B various overload control algorithms=
recommended in the IETF or <br>>=3B >=3B>=3B elsewhere. I haven't fo=
und documentation to this effect. Has anyone <br>>=3B >=3B>=3B looked=
into this or used such techniques?<br>>=3B >=3B>=3B<br>>=3B >=3B=
>=3B Thanks=2C<br>>=3B >=3B>=3B<br>>=3B >=3B>=3B Mike<br>>=
=3B >=3B>=3B<br>>=3B >=3B>=3B<br>>=3B >=3B>=3B<br>>=3B &g=
t=3B>=3B _______________________________________________<br>>=3B >=3B=
>=3B SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing <=
br>>=3B >=3B>=3B list sr-users at <br>>=3B >=3B=
=3B >=3B>=3B<br>>=3B >=3B<br>>=3B >=3B<br>>=3B >=3B --<br>&=
gt=3B >=3B Alex Balashov - Principal<br>>=3B >=3B Evariste Systems LL=
C<br>>=3B >=3B 235 E Ponce de Leon Ave<br>>=3B >=3B Suite 106<br>&g=
t=3B >=3B Decatur=2C GA 30030<br>>=3B >=3B Tel: +1-678-954-0670<br>&g=
t=3B >=3B Fax: +1-404-961-1892<br>>=3B >=3B Web: http://www.evaristes=<br>>=3B >=3B<br>>=3B >=3B _=
______________________________________________<br>>=3B >=3B SIP Express=
Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing <br>>=3B >=3B l=
ist sr-users at <br>>=3B >=3B http://lists.sip-router=
.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users<br>>=3B >=3B<br>>=3B >=3B __=
_____________________________________________<br>>=3B >=3B SIP Express =
Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing <br>>=3B >=3B li=
st sr-users at <br>>=3B >=3B http://lists.sip-router.=
org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users<br>>=3B >=3B<br>>=3B <br>>=3B=
<br>>=3B --<br>>=3B Alex Balashov - Principal<br>>=3B Evariste Syste=
ms LLC<br>>=3B 235 E Ponce de Leon Ave<br>>=3B Suite 106<br>>=3B Deca=
tur=2C GA 30030<br>>=3B Tel: +1-678-954-0670<br>>=3B Fax: +1-404-961-18=
92<br>>=3B Web:
m/<br>>=3B <br>>=3B _______________________________________________<br>=
>=3B SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing l=
ist sr-users at
an/listinfo/sr-users<br>>=3B <br>>=3B _________________________________=
______________<br>>=3B SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - =
sr-users mailing list<br>>=3B sr-users at<br>>=3B htt=
p://<br></div> =
More information about the sr-users
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