[SR-Users] RADIUS authentication

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Fri Dec 21 16:55:15 CET 2012


Kamailio is used a lot in enterprises. Apart of the media processing 
services (e.g., voicemail, audio conferencing), kamailio offers all 
needed in an enterprise, including instant messaging and presence.

It still seems to be unclear for you where is the problem with Kamailio 
and M$ directory or other existing user authentication systems. Let me 
rephrase: the problem is in the specifications of SIP, respectively in 
the user authentication mechanism required by this protocol.

SIP requires www-digest authentication mechanims. www-digest 
authentication requires that password is stored in clear text or in HA1 
format. Maybe reading the page at next link puts more light:

- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digest_access_authentication

Now, the devices are the problem, because they can authenticate to the 
server only using www-digest. Kamailio cannot do anything alone.

Alternative to www-digest authentication is to use ssl certificates. 
That is fine for Kamailio, but not many sip phones support it.

Hope is more clear now. Kamailio is as friendly to enterprises as it is 
for carriers or operators. It is nothing that can be done more to run in 
enterprise environment.


On 12/21/12 11:20 AM, Moacir Ferreira wrote:
> Don't get me wrong... Kamailio is just a great product as it is. 
> Actually I think it does much more than it would be necessary as a 
> carrier grade software. My idea is to have more people involved 
> discussing the "enterprise" issues and possible solutions for problems 
> like the one I described. The "impression" that I have is that 
> Kamailio's community is much more devoted to the "carrier" side of the 
> software than to the use of it on enterprises.
> Moacir
> > Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 10:41:25 +0200
> > To: sr-users at lists.sip-router.org
> > From: jh at tutpro.com
> > Subject: Re: [SR-Users] RADIUS authentication
> >
> > Moacir Ferreira writes:
> >
> > > So my next question is: is it there on the Kamailio community anyone
> > > willing to work on a "Kamailio Enterprise Edition"?
> >
> > what do you mean by such an edition? do you want to integrate asterisk
> > like pbx capabilities to k or what? if so, my understanding is that
> > most k folks want to keep them separate and just connect ip pbxes to k
> > like any other sip uas.
> >
> > -- juha
> >
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Daniel-Constantin Mierla - http://www.asipto.com
http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda

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