[SR-Users] How to use OR login in DB query in kamailio

Hemanshu Patel hemanshu.patel at saicare.com
Thu Dec 6 14:16:15 CET 2012

thanks daniel 
I guess i have to use two queries here. 

By the way is there any LIKE operation, I mean if i want to select sip:1000 at xx.xx.xx.xx value by using key 1000, then which DB operation I have to use. 
As far as i have seen in code file, there is no LIKE operation, only GT,LT,GET,LET,EQ,NEQ,etc. 


Hemanshu Patel 

Senior Software Engg 
Voice and Video Over BroadBand, SIS Ahmedabad 
SIS | Phone +91 9408487040 
Gota four cross,S. G. Highway | Fax 
Beside Agrawal Mall ,AHMD | mailto: hemanshu.patel at saicare.com 
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----- Original Message -----

From: "Daniel-Constantin Mierla" <miconda at gmail.com> 
To: "SIP Router - Kamailio (OpenSER) and SIP Express Router (SER) - Users Mailing List" <sr-users at lists.sip-router.org> 
Cc: "Hemanshu Patel" <hemanshu.patel at saicare.com> 
Sent: Thursday, December 6, 2012 6:09:32 PM 
Subject: Re: [SR-Users] How to use OR login in DB query in kamailio 


db api has support only for AND in WHERE for the db_query member. You can print your own query and ship it to the API via db_raw_query() (this will work of course only for SQL databases). 

- do two queries (probably not that optimal) 
- detect which value to use (from/to header) based on direction, which can be detected using rr module. 


On 12/6/12 11:08 AM, Hemanshu Patel wrote: 

Dear friends, 

I have to select entries from table which has a phone nomber in to or from column in a table. 

Say a dialog tables and phone number is 1000. 
So i need to fetch all queries where to_uri or from_uri is like 1000. 
I have checked the code, but i didnt find any way to do this OR behaviour. 
Like in following simple example 

db_keys[0] = &str_expires_col; 
db_ops[0] = OP_LT; 
db_vals[0].type = DB1_INT; 
db_vals[0].nul = 0; 
db_vals[0].val.int_val = (int)time(NULL); 

result_cols[user_col= n_result_cols++] = &str_username_col; 
result_cols[domain_col=n_result_cols++] = &str_domain_col; 
result_cols[etag_col=n_result_cols++] = &str_etag_col; 
result_cols[event_col=n_result_cols++] = &str_event_col; 

This can be used where expires coloumn is less then current unix time. But say i want to change the query like expire value is less then xxxxxx but greater then yyyyy Then how can i do that? 

Should i need to use another db_key with OP_GT value? 

What is Operation info we should use for LIKE. I mean i need to select value which is sip:1000 at xx.xx.xx.xx via searching for 1000. 

I Hope i had explain the question well. Please let me know in case any confusion in question. 


Hemanshu Patel 
P Help the environment – please don't print this email unless you really need to! 

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list sr-users at lists.sip-router.org http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users 

Daniel-Constantin Mierla - http://www.asipto.com http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda 

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