[SR-Users] proxy BYE to itself

caio elcaio at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 02:16:21 CEST 2011


On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 2:09 AM, caio <elcaio at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have the following issue.
> A calls B, talk for a while, then B sends a BYE, but A never receives it.
> The BYE is transmited from the proxy listening interface:port to itself, but
> not to the asterisk port.
>      U 2011/10/08 00:29:29.207335 Kamailio_IP:5060 -> Kamailio_IP:5060
>      BYE sip:Kamailio_IP;lr=on SIP/2.0.
> The scenario is:
>   A (pstn subs) --> Asterisk:5080 --> Kamailio:5060 --> B (registered sip
> ua)
> Asterisk and Kamailio are in the same box, listening both at the same IP
> (eth iface) address, but one at port 5080, and the proxy at 5060 (udp).

Fixed changing the listen ip address of asterisk service. I set sip-router
at eth0/<ip_addr1>:5060 and asterisk service at eth0:0/<ip_addr2>:5080.

Do you know about any issue keeping sip-router and asterisk at same
interface but different port?
Thank you

> The configuration is based on kamailio.cfg file provided by the v3.1.5
> (with a few modules added, like dialplan and cr..etc).
> If A is who send the BYE, everything goes well.
> I attach the full sip capture.
> Thanks for you time.
> Claudio
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