[SR-Users] dispatcher, LCR, carrierroute or mtree?

Henning Westerholt hw at kamailio.org
Tue Oct 4 11:48:25 CEST 2011

On Monday 03 October 2011, Skyler wrote:
> [..]
>  From what I've read on each of the 4 modules, any could do what I need
> though each have their own complexities. I'm still new to kamailio and
> hoping to utilize the group here for some advice. I'd like to keep this
> as simple as possible then adding/deleting DID's from the db as needed
> for routing.

Hi Skyler,

maybe this information (from some previous mails) is helpful for you to get an 
general understanding:

> The modules differ mostly in their provided configuration interface, their 
> capabilities and the internal used datastructures IMHO.
> lcr
> * introduced in 0.9.x times, reworked several times
> * provided initially support for a limited number of routes, today it 
> supports large route sets as well
> * provides easy failover functionaly to try sequentially several gateways
> * uses internally a hash table
> cr
> * introduced in 1.3, reworked for 1.5
> * support larger route sets
> * provides flexible failure routing capabilities with a dedicated table, but 
> is more complicated to setup and use
> * uses a trie (tree) internally 
> mtree
> * introduced in 3.1
> * support larger route sets
> * provides generic tree matching functionality, but without that much 
> additional functionality
> * uses a tree internally
> drouting
> * ported from opensips for 3.0
> * support larger route sets
> * provides failover capabilities and some special matching as time or date
> * uses a trie (tree) internally

Best regards,


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