[SR-Users] Questions about LCR module

Fabian Borot fborot at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 28 22:48:49 CEST 2011

Thanks Juha
I populated the lcr tables by hand. This is how they look now, I have 2 lcr_ids [1 and 2], each instance has its own gw. And each instance has its own prefix to match for [4444 and 5555].
The idea is that a call comes in with R-URI 444413051234567, it should match the lcr_id= 200, then it should go out using gw etc

mysql> select * from lcr_gw;
| id | lcr_id | gw_name    | ip_addr         | hostname          | port | params | uri_scheme | transport | strip | tag  | flags | defunct |
|  1 |    200 | switchvox  | | pbx1.mydomain.com | 5060 | none   |          1 |         1 |     0 |      |     0 |       0 |
|  2 |    201 | switchvox2 | | pbx1.mydomain.net | 5060 | none   |          1 |         1 |     0 |      |     0 |       0 |
mysql> select * from lcr_rule;
| id | lcr_id | prefix | from_uri | stopper | enabled |
|  1 |    200 | 4444   |          |       0 |       1 |
|  2 |    201 | 5555   |          |       0 |       1 |
mysql> select * from lcr_rule_target;
| id | lcr_id | rule_id | gw_id | priority | weight |
|  1 |    200 |       1 |     1 |        5 |      1 |
|  2 |    201 |       2 |     2 |        5 |      1 |

Then I tried the sercmd commands to reload and dump and I do not see the contents o the screen. Is this how is supposed to work now?. How do I know that the new values are being loaded into memory w/o restarting kamailio?

I am trying to port our setup from kamailio 1.4.3 to 3.1.4 and I see
> huge differences on the LCR module.

there is a script somewhere (read wiki) that upgrades the tables.

> I have these main questions:
> 1- does lcr_id replaces the grp_id?

not really.  lcr_ids denote independent lcr instances.

> 2- what happened to the fifo commands to add gws etc:

fifo commands to manipulate lcr tables are not supported by me.

-- juha


From: fborot at hotmail.com
To: sr-users at lists.sip-router.org
Subject: Questions about LCR module
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2011 17:23:05 -0400

I am trying to port our setup from kamailio 1.4.3 to 3.1.4 and I see huge differences on the LCR module.
I have these main questions:

1- does lcr_id replaces the grp_id?
2- what happened to the fifo commands to add gws etc:

 lcr addgw <gw_name> <ip> <port> <scheme> <transport> <grp_id> <flags> <tag> <strip>
           ............... add a gateway with flags, tag and strip ............
           ................(flags, tag, and strip are optional arguments) .....
 lcr rmgw  <gw_name> ..........................................................
           ............... delete a gateway
 lcr addroute <prefix> <from> <grp_id> <prio> .................................
           .............. add a route ( use '' to match anything in <from> )
 lcr rmroute  <prefix> <from> <grp_id> <prio> .................................
           .............. delete a route

3- it looks like the kamctl fifo lcr reload can not be used anymore, instead I found that there is a sercmd command that can be used to "show" and "reload"  only the lcr tables

What would be the best way to use this module on this version?

Any help/hint would be greatly appreciated.
thank you


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