[SR-Users] Integrate xmpp module with kamailio 3.0.x

Huy Nguyen huy_quocnguyen at live.com
Wed Oct 20 13:02:16 CEST 2010

Hi Daniel and list,

I'm using the lastest version of branch 3.0 (download from git), but I want to continue with the previous topic, so I still use the old Subject for easy tracking.

How about my question, at the current time, can we use the server mode ? But how can settup
      the s2s connection, if the kamailio-server+xmpp-module don't have
      any running port 5269 ? 

Huy Nguyen


Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2010 12:48:29 +0200
From: miconda at gmail.com
To: huy_quocnguyen at live.com
CC: sr-users at lists.sip-router.org
Subject: Re: [SR-Users] Integrate xmpp module with kamailio 3.0.1




    On 10/20/10 7:33 AM, Huy Nguyen wrote:
      Hi Daniel and all list,


        Thanks for your support, but as the below diagram, i still have
        some confused:


      xmmp-user ------- xmpp-server ------ xmpp-to-sip-gateway
      ------- sip-to-xmpp-gateway -------- sip-server ------- sip-user


         - if we use the server mode: the xmpp-to-sip-gateway
      and sip-to-xmpp-gateway is the xmpp module,
      and they have the same domain with sip-server (because the xmpp
      module is integrated on kamailio server) e.g kamailio1.com. So, at
      the xmpp client, we add the buddy as:
      sip-user*sip-server_domain at xmpp_domain=
      sip-user*kamailio1.com at kamailio1.com => the xmpp-server must
      establish the s2s connection to xmpp_domain, it mean the
      connection between xmpp-server and the kamailio-server (because
      xmpp module is integrated on kamailio-server). But how can settup
      the s2s connection, if the kamailio-server+xmpp-module don't have
      any running port 5269 ? 

    Do you run the last version of branch kamailio_3.0? I asked you many
    time and you come back mentioning an older version.






      - if we use the component mode: sip-to-xmpp-gateway is the
        xmpp module, how about the xmpp-to-sip-gateway, which is the
      appliance on the network ? the local-xmpp-server or the xmpp
      module ?



      Huy Nguyen















      Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2010 09:52:15 +0200

      From: miconda at gmail.com

      To: huy_quocnguyen at live.com

      CC: sr-users at lists.sip-router.org

      Subject: Re: [SR-Users] Integrate xmpp module with kamailio 3.0.1




      as said in a previous email, first you have to use last git
      version of kamailio_3.0 branch. There was a fix for xmpp module
      since release of 3.0.1. Also you can switch to 3.1.0, or wait few
      days untill 3.0.4 is released.


      You have to think the architecture like:


      xmmp-user ------- xmpp-server ------ xmpp-to-sip-gateway -------
      sip-to-xmpp-gateway -------- sip-server ------- sip-user


      even some of these components are running in the same application.


      If you add a buddy in your xmpp user that has the hostname same as
      xmpp-server domain, then it is clear that xmpp-server will route
      it locally and not to xmpp-to-sip-gateway.





      On 10/18/10 10:49 AM, Huy Nguyen wrote:
         Hi all,


          Sorry for restore this topic, but i till confused about the
          guide on xmpp module page.


          I'm integrating xmpp module to kamailio 3.0.x at my local
          network, with server mode. The kamailio server have domain:
          kamailio1.com (, the xmpp server have domain:
          xmpp1.com ( 


          SIP user: 101 at kamailio1.com

          XMPP user: 109 at xmpp1.com


        Below is the part mention in xmpp doc I confused about, so i'm
        pasting that:


          In the destination address we need
                an extra character as a domain separator, apart from @.
                The address of the XMPP(jabber) client looks like this:
                "sip:username<domain_separator>jabber_server at gateway_domain".

                The address of a SIP client has the following pattern :
                "sip_username<domain_separator>openser_domain at xmpp_domain";

                A common used character in XMPP transports is "%".


        It mean, from sip client 101 at kamailio1.com, if I
        want to chat with xmpp client 109 at xmpp1.com, I'll add 109 to
        the contact list of 101 as: sip:109%xmpp1.com at kamailio1.com.
        It right ?


        As the similar, i'll add to the buddy list of 109 as: 101%kamailio1.com at xmpp1.com


        Can anyone suggest how to test xmpp module ?



        Huy Nguyen




SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list
sr-users at lists.sip-router.org


Daniel-Constantin Mierla
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list
sr-users at lists.sip-router.org


Daniel-Constantin Mierla
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