[SR-Users] SIP between IPv4 and IPv6 agents

Klaus Darilion klaus.mailinglists at pernau.at
Mon Nov 22 14:48:25 CET 2010

Am 22.11.2010 14:28, schrieb Komáromi Péter:
> Hello!
> Daniel thanks for your help! I'd need a little bit more now, because
> I have to make the concrete plan for this IPv4-IPv6 SIP communication
> before I could ask for any modification on the server. There is not

Anyway, you should not install and test v4-v6 bridging on a production 

Get somewhere a test server and install Kamailio and rtpproxy. Then you 
should start with the configuration of the production system: Copy the 
Kamilio config to your test server and modify it to suite your needs. 
Once you have tested it thoroughly then you can report to your 
administrators which changes they should do to the config and how to 
install rtpproxy.

> installed rtpptoxy on that server, that's why I can not see those
> example files. And till I do not know these files, I'm not allowed to

The example files do not come with rtpproxy, but with the source of Kamilio.

Download the source of Kamilio, then you will find the examples.

> install the rtpproxy. Vicious circle:) Could somebody send me the
> modules_k/nathelper/examples ? And if you have any (working!)
> documented solutin of the mentioned problem, please do not hesitate
> to send me! :)

Hey, you are doing a diplomawork, so get your hands dirty and develop it 
yourself. We are here to answer your questions, but we do not write your 
diplomawork. ;-)


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