[SR-Users] append_branch

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Mon Nov 15 16:27:31 CET 2010


On 11/10/10 5:47 PM, Rizwan Qureshi wrote:
> Hi All,
> I just want to know how I can use append_branch() function for 
> register requests. What I want to do is register all users on all 
> asterisk servers by forwarding the register requests (to all asterisk 
> servers) and then if the sip proxy throws call to any of the server 
> the asterisk server, the call should be successful. If its possible 
> then please let me know.
append_branch() can be used to add new destinations for a SIP requests 
in order to do parallel forking. I don't know how is you architecture, 
do you save location records also in kamailio? If not, which of the 
asterisk instances take care of authentication?

Also, have a look at this tutorial, might give you some ideas:


Daniel-Constantin Mierla

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