[SR-Users] Kamailio 3.1 + LCR + CARRIERROUTE howto ?

marius zbihlei marius.zbihlei at 1and1.ro
Mon Nov 8 12:07:09 CET 2010

On 11/06/2010 08:26 PM, Sébastien Cramatte wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm new in kamailio/sr.
> I've installed 3.1 packages on my debian squeeze.
> I would like to configure LCR and CARRIERROUTE modules but I don't find
> suficient doc
> to do it properly.
> Does someone can give me resources where I can found  :
>    - required modparam for LCR and CARRIERROUTE
>    - SQL examples datas for both modules
>    - example of route logic  using both modules
> Thank you
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First of all you need to clearly define what you need to accomplish. I 
suspect you need some sort of load balancing. For that you can use 
either carrierroute or lcr. For carrierroute you can have blacklist 
capabilities as well. Please read the README or the info on this page 

You can configure Carrierroute either in text file mode or in DB mode. 
You will have there a snippet with some cfg code that describes 
balancing based on callid, also some DB setups for the table.

modparam("carrierroute", "config_source", "db")
modparam("carrierroute", "db_url", "dbdriver://username:password@dbhost/dbname")

are mandatory for basic configuration. The other params are pretty safe 
as default. Of course the trick of using carrierroute is how you 
populate the tables in the DB, but you will have enough example in the 
web page I referred above. Please get back with a more specific question 
after you try using the module.


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