[SR-Users] continue processing route script if no response from gateway

Henning Westerholt henning.westerholt at 1und1.de
Fri May 28 18:46:43 CEST 2010

On Thursday 27 May 2010, JR Richardson wrote:
> I read about append_branch() and added it to my failure route.  Well,
> that allowed the route to branch and forward the calls to the
> failureroute gateways listed in the database.  But now I have an issue
> with re-transmits in the failure route, it's like the failure route is
> sending 2 invited to the next_domain gateways.  I really don't
> understand what I'm doing with the failure route and append_branch,
> here is a snip of my failure_route:
> [..]

Hello JR,

the failure_route basically catches the errors from the first cr_route to the 
failed GW. Then it reverts the request URI to the previous (fresh) state, and 
then re-write its again to the second gateway. This message is then relayed to 
it. If the kamailio then re-sends the INVITE, then the second gateway perhaps 
not reply as well?

As i side note, i saw in an earlier msg that you specified a 
carrierfailureroute table, but don't used it so far in the cfg. If you still 
want to balance to a certain (smaller) number of asterisk servers without 
special prefix matching needs maybe you could take a look to the dispatcher 
module, which also provides some features not available in cr, like active 



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