[SR-Users] continue processing route script if no response from gateway

Henning Westerholt henning.westerholt at 1und1.de
Thu May 27 11:38:39 CEST 2010

On Thursday 27 May 2010, JR Richardson wrote:
> I am lab testing carrierroute modue on kamailio 1.5.4-notls
> (i386/linux) and have a question on how to continue processing a call
> if kamailio sends a call with t_relay() but does not get a response
> from the gateway.
> I read about the timers in the tm module and set them pretty low in
> the config file:
> # ----- tm params -----
> modparam("tm", "fr_timer", 2)
> modparam("tm", "fr_inv_timer_next", 3)
> But nothing happens in the routing script after an invite is sent and
> there is no response.  Debug just shows the invite to the gateway
> being re-transmited several times.

Hi JR,

i assume according your description that the GW in question don't send a 
provisional response. Then the tm module should generate a internal 408 after 
fr_timer interval which you could then catch in a failure_route. Do you armed 
the appropriate failure_route in your cfg?



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