[SR-Users] Can't receive a 500 (Server Internal Error) response from openser register server when sending a REGISTER with the equal CSeq header field value to the last value of CSeq or lower than the number and “*” in a Contact header field.

Xiaoqiang Hu xhu at redhat.com
Tue Jun 22 03:49:07 CEST 2010

Hi all,
Can't receive a 500 (Server Internal Error) response from openser register server when sending a REGISTER with the equal CSeq header field value to the last value of CSeq or lower than the number and “*” in a Contact header field. The details can be as follows:
1 Test topology:

                   NUT(REG && PX)           UA11                         UA12                           DNS
                        |                      |                          |                              |
IP          : 3ffe:501:ffff:50::50   3ffe:501:ffff:1::1          3ffe:501:ffff:2::2                3ffe:501:ffff:4::1
aor-uri     : ss.under.test.com      UA11 at under.test.com         UA12 at under.test.com
contact-uri :                        UA11 at node.under.test.com    UA12 at node11.under.test.com
2  tcpdump file can be seen in "12 SIP Registrar- Record-Route header field in REGISTER request" attachment
3  openser configuration file can be seen in "openser.cfg" attachment
How can I modify the configuration file if I want to receive the 500?

Hu xiaoqiang
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