Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Fri Jul 2 13:32:25 CEST 2010


please address the questions to public mailing lists (e.g., 
sr-users at lists.sip-router.org), emails sent to private address only may 
not be answered at all or replied after long time. There are many people 
on ML that can answer faster and better.

On 6/17/10 5:11 PM, michael ayoola wrote:
> Hello Daniel,
> Thanks for your work on XCAP Server.  I am quite new to kamailio.  I 
> have succeeded in installing kamailio server and I am trying to follow 
> your documentation on XCAP server.  However I do not know how to load 
> the db module.

Terminology of 'db module' refers to a database connection module, like 
db_mysql, db_postgres, etc. Depending where you store the data, in a 
mysql, postgres or other type of sql server, you have to load the 
appropriate module.

>  I noticed that the sl module is already loaded as indicated in the 
> kamailio.cfg file (i.e loadmodule "sl.so").  There seem to many db 
> related module.  Which do I use?  Please, it will be nice if you can help.
Note that xcap_server module is not completed yet, should work with very 
basic xcap operations over http/1.0 or http/2.0 non-chunked body for PUT 


Daniel-Constantin Mierla

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