[SR-Users] Build error: "no type or storage class" when building "presence" modules on solaris (pa module)

Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul andrei at iptel.org
Wed Dec 9 11:20:37 CET 2009

On Dec 08, 2009 at 11:18, Bruce McAlister <bruce.mcalister at blueface.ie> wrote:
> Hi Daniel
> > 
> > not sure about the maintenance of presence modules from ser, but if you
> > need presence, you can use the kamailio version of presence server (in
> > modules_k directory -- see modules presence*, pua*, rls, xcap_client...)

Yes, the problem was that some of the ser presence modules do not compile
any longer (due to DB lib changes). Since they are not maintained, I've
moved them to obsolete/ (in case somebody decides to pick them up).

> > 
> How would I go about building the presence modules in the modules_k
> directory fow sip router? I have now managed to complete a build of sip
> router based on the following filename:

I've added the k presence module to the makefile presence group, so no
they should be built if group_include contains "presence".

Note that probably other module groups are outdated. They are ok for
ser, but a kamailio developer or user should look at them and update
them as needed for modules_k/.


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