[Kamailio-Users] avpops OR sqlops

Henning Westerholt henning.westerholt at 1und1.de
Mon Dec 21 21:42:53 CET 2009

On Mon, December 21, 2009 9:27 pm, Alex Balashov wrote:
> [..]
> In short, I don't think sqlops is materially faster, but it is a more
> modern and sophisticated way to talk to your database and you should use
> it for that reason.

Hey Alex,

as AVPs are also more or less just a special kind of pseudo-variable, like
the exported interface from the sqlops module there should be indeed no
notable speed difference, especially on today fast systems. But indeed
sqlops have the more appropriate interface and I would recommend it for
new deployments, for the reasons you summarized.

Best regards,


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