[Kamailio-Users] switch to TCP when UDP message is bigger than MTU

Sandro Bordacchini sandro.bordacchini at dexgate.com
Tue Apr 21 15:10:32 CEST 2009

Daniel-Constantin Mierla ha scritto:
> Hello,
> On 04/20/2009 08:34 PM, Klaus Darilion wrote:
>> But for a production system you usually do not want this feature. 
>> Practically this paragraph from RFC 3261 is non-sense as it brakes 
>> communication with SIP clients.
>> Residential customers SIP clients are mostly behind NAT and often do 
>> not even support TCP. Thus, automatic switching to TCP will cause 
>> problems as you can not reach the clients anymore.
>> Usually administrators look how to turn this feature off instead of 
>> turning it on.
> is it supposed to happen even if UA binds location with UDP contact? I 
> thought is used manly for inter-proxy/scb communication.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
Hello Daniel & Klaus,
thanks for your replies.

I'm going to try sip-router.
And, AFAIK, at least one IP pbx works as stated by RFC (automatically 
switch to tcp when trying to send big messages) when registered to a sip 

Thanks a lot.

Ing. Sandro Bordacchini
Dexgate Sr. Tech. Engineer
P.zza Fermi 1 - Fornacette
IT-56012  Calcinaia (Pisa)
Tel. +390587424145 ext 580

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