[Serusers] Registering port instead of contact field port

Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc at aliax.net
Thu Nov 27 17:07:23 CET 2008

El Jueves, 27 de Noviembre de 2008, Daniel Serrano escribió:
> Dear all,
> I am using SER as IM server and I found that   the SER use the contact
> field  to storage the user's location in the memory for future requests.
> I noted this using the command "serctl alias show" and checking some
> traces.
> Since I'm using a NAT scenario I'd like to  use the UDP port that  my
> SER server receives during the registration  instead of the  contact
> field  port to reach the users after their registration. Is there any
> way to do this?

"rport" does it, but the client must indicate support of "rport" by 
adding ";rport" parameter to its Via header.
Anyway, *SER can force it by using "force_rport()".

Iñaki Baz Castillo

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