[OpenSER-Users] Managing MSILO responses

Saúl Ibarra saghul at gmail.com
Thu May 29 20:40:15 CEST 2008

Hi all,

I'm having a little trouble setting up msilo:

When I send a MESSAGE to an offline user, MSILO does it's job and
stores it, and when the other user gets registered, he sees the
MESSAGES. But if I enable onification, by putting:

modparam("msilo", "registrar", "sip:softswitch at OPENSER_IP")

MSILO repplies me sayng the user is offline, but hten I can't continue
sending MESSAGEs, because they will be directed to the URI indicated
by the registyrar parameter instead of the original user I wanted to
send the MESSAGE. I'm using Twinkle 1.2.

Thanks in advance!!

Saúl -- "Nunca subestimes el ancho de banda de un camión lleno de disketes."

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