[OpenSER-Users] Version table

Bård Aase bard at aase.name
Wed May 7 07:15:32 CEST 2008

I am trying to switch from SER to OpenSER, and I'm using mysql for
data storage. Asterisk's sip_buddies table is supposed to contain
authentication data.
The configuration is set up, the openser database is appearantly set
up and working, but when I try to authenticate against
asterisk.sip_buddies i get the following errors:

May  6 12:36:58 [25672] ERROR:auth_db:auth_fixup: invalid table
version (use openser_mysql.sh reinstall)
May  6 12:36:58 [25672] ERROR:core:fix_actions: fixing failed
(code=-1) at cfg line 399
May  6 12:36:58 [25672] CRITICAL:core:fix_expr: fix_actions error
May  6 12:36:58 [25672] ERROR:core:main: failed to fix configuration
with err code -1

The version tables in asterisk and openser is as follows:
SELECT * FROM asterisk.`version`

SELECT * FROM openser.`version`

What is the differences between database version 5 and 6?

Since the asterisk database is shared between multiple asterisks and
SER instances, its not trivial to upgrade the tables if that would
have implications on asterisk and/or ser

Thanks in advance.

Bård Aase
gTalk/Jabber: elzapp at elzapp.com MSN: msn at elzapp.com

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