[OpenSER-Users] Dialog module, timeout_avp and record_route()
kionez at anche.no
Wed Jun 11 09:58:18 CEST 2008
Hi all, i'm trying to debug a strange behaviour of dialog mode.
If I use "record_route" in my script, to force any message to toward the
server, dialog module stops to check "timeout_avp", if I comment it out,
when timeout_avp is reached, the dialog module notify me in sylog (as
shown in log.txt)
It seems that dialog module has some problems to work if i use
I try to use version 1.3.1 and 1.3.2, but i see the same behaviour.
So, where i'm wrong? ;)
Here's relevant part of config, and in openser.txt there's my routing
loadmodule "rr.so"
modparam("rr", "enable_full_lr", 1)
modparam("rr", "append_fromtag", 1)
modparam("rr", "enable_double_rr", 1)
modparam("rr", "add_username", 0)
loadmodule "dialog.so"
modparam("dialog", "enable_stats", 1)
modparam("dialog", "dlg_flag", 4)
modparam("dialog", "timeout_avp", "$avp(s:dlgtimeout)")
modparam("dialog", "dlg_extra_hdrs", "Hint: credit expired\r\n")
modparam("dialog", "dlg_match_mode", 1)
modparam("dialog", "db_url", "mysql://dbuser:dbpass@localhost/openser")
modparam("dialog", "db_mode", 1)
thanx in advance
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