[OpenSER-Users] PRESENCE module not working and openser.pid file not found

Anca Vamanu anca at voice-system.ro
Mon Jul 21 19:13:34 CEST 2008

Megha Saini wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using OpenSER since a few months, but only with basic 
> functionality, i.e. no Presence, Message-waiting functionality, XCAP 
> etc. I configured the server with MySQL on the same machine and I am 
> able to add new users using the openserctl script as:
> /usr/local/sbin/openserctl add user password user at domain
> Now, I wish to include Presence functionality to see the status of 
> users on client side. Thus, I loaded the module presence.so and also 
> presence_xml.so. I also uncommenetd other features in openser.cfg that 
> are required for presence funcionality:
> # ----- presence params -----
> modparam("presence|presence_xml", "db_url",
>     "mysql://user:pwd@domain/openser")
> modparam("presence_xml", "force_active", 1)
> modparam("presence", "server_address", "sip:ip:port")
> modparam("presence", "presentity_table", "presentity")
> modparam("presence", "active_watchers_table", "active_watchers")
> modparam("presence", "watchers_table", "watchers")
> modparam("presence", "clean_period", 100)
> modparam("presence", "to_tag_pref", 'megs')
> #modparam("presence", "lock_set_size", 8)
> modparam("presence", "expires_offset", 10)
> modparam("presence", "max_expires", 3600)
> modparam("presence", "fallback2db",1)
> #------------------------------------------------------
> However, now if I try to start openser using the command : 
> /usr/local/sbin/openser start,
> I see that all modules are loaded and my connection 
> "user:pwd at domain/openser" is in the pool. It also displays that all 
> modules have successfully connected to the database. After this when I 
> try to run:
> /usr/local/lib/openser/openserctl/openserctl start
> It displays:
> database engine 'MYSQL' loaded
> control engine 'FIFO' loaded
> INFO: Starting OpenSER:
> ERROR: PID file /var/run/openser.pid does not exist -- OpenSER start 
> failed
> There is no file openser.pid on the path "/var/run/". But previously, 
> I was able to start openser successfully.
> I also tried starting openser by: /etc/init.d/openser start
> But it just says:
> Starting Openser:             [FAILED]
> Can anyone please tell me how to solve this bug. Where can I find 
> openser.pid file?
> If not this, then please tell me if I am doing some configuration 
> mistake.
> Another thing, I see that when I am running my client, I am still able 
> to Register to the server and I am gettin 200OK for REGISTER message. 
> I find it strange!
> I can see that I have all the tables required for "presence" in the 
> openser database, i.e. presentity, active_watchers etc.
> Also, when I am using SUBSCRIBE-NOTIFY messages on client side, I get 
> 202 Accepted from the server when the other user is online and 404 NOT 
> FOUND when the user is offline. But I see that all tables in 'openser' 
> database are empty except subscriber table in which I can easily make 
> entries using 'openserctl' script file. I find it strange that how my 
> server is keeping the information of the online users when all databse 
> tables are empty. Ideally, it should keep an entry of availabe users 
> in "location" table, but that table is also empty even though I have 
> written in openser.cfg file:
>  modparam("usrloc","db_mode",2)
> to enable DB persistency for location entries.
> Please anyone help me clear the doubts, as I need to complete the 
> presence module soon due to strich deadlines. I have been workin on it 
> since 2 weeks already! :(
> Do I need to have XCAP server necessarily to implement simple presence 
> status using SUBSCRIBE-NOTIFY messages?
You don't necessarily need the XCAP functionality. Only If you want to 
have privacy permission rules enables( and of course it you have clients 
that support this - eyebeam for example). And if you set the 
'force_active' parameter to 1 it means that you don't want this feature. 
See http://www.openser.org/docs/modules/1.3.x/presence_xml.html#AEN92
What version of openser are you using? If 1.3.x then some of the 
parameters from presence were removed. Look in the log file of openser ( 
syslog if you have not filtered it) and search for the first error when 
starting openser.


> Thanks in advance,
> Megs
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