[OpenSER-Users] Using t_replicate to replicate towards a UA

Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc at in.ilimit.es
Thu Jul 17 09:59:53 CEST 2008

El Wednesday 16 July 2008 21:35:15 Pascal Maugeri escribió:
> Hum it does not look to work...
> If I keep the t_replicate("sip:pascal at company.com
> <sip%3Apascal at company.com>") it will try resolve the destination with DNS
> server. I believe I should resolve first the user SIP URI with the location
> using USRLOC and then replicate using the location (eg.:
> sip:pascal@<host>:<port>) but I don't know how to do that. I haven't found
> anything in the module documentation for that purpose.

Let me a question (since I've never tryed t_replicate):
- Does t_replicate just allow as argument a IP:port and not a domain/hostname?
- In the second case: does it allow a SIP URI with userinfo and so? (I 
think "no" due to your original mail).

In the worst case: t_replicate just allows an IP:PORT as argument you could 
try the following in two ways:

1 - Add a new listen port to OpenSer (port=6060).
2 - Use "t_replicate(OPENSER_PUBLIC_IP:6060)
3 - In the login of OpenSer allow requests to OPENSER_PUBLIC_IP:6060 without 
authentication just in case it comes from OPENSER_PUBLIC_IP:5060.
4 - In the request processing change the RURI to "sip:pascal at company.com", do 
the "lookup" and "t_relay".

1 - Before t_replicate add a header "X-Replicated: yes"
2 - "t_replicate(OPENSER_PUBLIC_IP:5060)  <-- no other port needed.
3 - Because the request comes from OPENSER_PUBLIC_IP:5060 and has 
a  "X-Replicated: yes" header:
4 - In the request processing change the RURI to "sip:pascal at company.com", do 
the "lookup" and "t_relay".

Could it work?

Iñaki Baz Castillo
ibc at in.ilimit.es

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