[Serusers] rtpproxy address filling

Andres andres at telesip.net
Tue Apr 1 23:33:54 CEST 2008

Stefan Sayer wrote:

> Andres wrote:
>> Stefan Sayer wrote:
>>> Andres wrote:
>>>>>> It immediately jumped into my mind that this could be a security 
>>>>>> vulnerability since a remote attacker could effectively bring 
>>>>>> down all sessions on an rtpproxy just by doing a UDP scan.
>>>>> ...wouldn't they switch back to the correct addresses when the 
>>>>> next RTP packet arrives, i.e. after 10/20/30 ms?
>>>> No it does not.  I tried it.  RTPProxy only switches addresses 
>>>> once.  Although it is trivial to edit the source code and allow 
>>>> rtpproxy to always listen and adjust to IP Address changes during 
>>>> the entire call.
> sorry, I was not precise:
>>> so would the more secure fix maybe be to always allow a switch back 
>>> to the original address?
> ... to the original address only?
> so that a switch to an address away from the original address would be 
> possible exactly once, but switching back to original address always.
Sure, that sounds good and more secure too.   Maybe Maxim can chime in 
with his thoughts.


> this would also work with your D-Link modems.
> Stefan

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