[OpenSER-Users] [OpenSER-Devel] Portability in Openser

Henning Westerholt henning.westerholt at 1und1.de
Wed Apr 30 11:50:09 CEST 2008

On Wednesday 30 April 2008, Aadilkhan Maniyar wrote:
> I have a query regarding the portability of OpenSER.
> I would like to know about the different OS and Hardware that OpenSER
> can be run on.
> Any info regarding the above would be very much helpful.

Hi Aadilkhan,

OpenSER should work on any linux system, also on BSD-like and sun solaris OS. 
Additional to this 'normal' platforms its also usable on embedded systems. 
We're using debian stable in production, but there also people that using 
RHEL or SLES systems.

If the OS works on the machine, then OpenSER should run fine too. OpenSER 
don't need any special hardware, it has more or less the same requirements 
like any other network server. But the exact hardware you need depends of 
course on the setup, the load and your QoS requirements.



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