[OpenSER-Users] cnt_avp () doesn't work?

Miroslav HOSTINSKY bman at alconet.sk
Mon Apr 21 15:11:27 CEST 2008


I have little problem with openser 1.3.1 and dispatcher (again).

according to dispatcher manual:

1.3.11. cnt_avp (str)

The name of the avp storing the number of destination addresses kept in 
dst_avp avps.

So if I understand it correctly, in AVP (defined in cnt_avp) is stored 
number/quantity of active destinations in current destination group.

but I have always initial number of destinations in this AVP (as defined 
in dispatcher "destination list" config file). If I remove destination 
from balancing list (failed GW), in this AVP is always same initial 
value. I think it should change (in this case decrement by 1).

Is this correct?

Thanks :)

Miroslav Hostinsky

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