[OpenSER-Users] OpenSER with MySQL Cluster

Christian Schlatter cs at unc.edu
Tue Sep 18 23:37:15 CEST 2007

Juha Heinanen wrote:
> unfortunately you then cannot support presence.  using another proxy for
> presence is not a solution either, because same users need both presence
> and other sip methods.

What exactly prevents me from using a dedicated presence server? And why 
can't I support presence with db_mode=3?

E.g. if I just want to deploy a simple PA using the PRESENCE module, I 
don't see any dependencies on USRLOC.

I'm not sure if PUA_USRLOC depends on db_mode<3, but at least the 
documentation doesn't mention it. And it looks to me like I could use 
pua_set_publish() from PUA_USRLOC to send a PUBLISH to my dedicated 
presence server ;-) ... I haven't tried that though.

> by the way, looks like presence related requests are by far the most
> common ones if all sip UAs have presence turned on.  it means that
> presence would also create biggest db activity.

Yes, I know, SIP presence is very chatty.


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