[OpenSER-Users] About presence server in other host

Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc at in.ilimit.es
Fri Sep 14 12:25:31 CEST 2007

Hi, I will separate the presence server in a different host, and I'd like to 
know your opinions:

- For SUBSCRIBE messages main OpenSer will "rewriteuri(presence_serve)" and 
will NOT apply "record_route()" in order to avoid in-dialog NOTIFY to pass 
through main OpenSer.  Is it ok?

- "server_address" for Presence module will have: "sip:presence-server:5060" 
(of course presence module will just exist in presence-server).

- Any other suggestion?

In which cases is necessary to do this separation? with how much SIP traffic 
is it interesting?

Thanks for any help. Regards.

Iñaki Baz Castillo
ibc at in.ilimit.es

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