[OpenSER-Users] [CPL] ERROR:core:set_dst_uri: not enough pkg memory

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at voice-system.ro
Wed Nov 21 20:45:50 CET 2007

Hi Iñaki,

It was a bug - I just fixed it on trunk - please re-run the test and let 
me know if it works now.

Thanks for report,

Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
> I have a simple CPL for a user "200" that just should lookup for the contact 
> in the "location" table:
> <cpl>
> 	<incoming>
> 		<lookup source="registration">
> 			<success>
> 				<proxy />
> 			</success>
> 		</lookup>
> 	</incoming>
> </cpl>
> In the script I do:
>   cpl_run_script("incoming","FORCE_STATEFUL");
> and I get an error:
>   ERROR:core:set_dst_uri: not enough pkg memory
>   ERROR:cpl_c:cpl_proxy_to_loc_set: do_action failed
>   ERROR:cpl_c:cpl_run_script: runtime error
> and the script continues but with the URI changed.
> It's strange: it's obvious that CPL does a DB query to "location" table asking 
> for 200 at domain (I've monitorized it in mysql logs) but after that it shows 
> the errors above and the OpenSer script continues (with the URI set to the 
> contact URI).
> Why can it occur? maybe it's a bug?
> Thanks.

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