[Serusers] mysql dies -- accounting stopped -- call continues
Greger V. Teigre
greger at teigre.com
Thu May 24 14:54:18 CEST 2007
Excellent! Has this been verified to be a problem for 2.0?
SIP wrote:
> No problem. I've now added this information to the FAQ:
> http://www.iptel.org/faq/why_does_my_mysql_5_0_x_connection_time_out_when_using_ser_0_9_x
> N.
> Andrey Kuprianov wrote:
>> Nice! Thanx.
>> On 5/24/07, SIP <sip at arcdiv.com> wrote:
>>> Check the archives. I've answered this a couple of times already.
>>> mysql 5.0.X has modified the default behaviour of how the socket timeout
>>> works. By default, it times out connections after a period of time. There
>>> was a patch after about 5.0.12 to allow people to modify this behaviour, but
>>> the patch didn't work until 5.0.19.
>>> In order to get SER 0.9.X to work with 5.0.19 and above and reconnect after
>>> a timed out socket, you need to modify the my_con.c in
>>> $SER-SRC/modules/mysql and recompile the mysql module.
>>> I've attached a modified my_con.c file that has the correct options to
>>> utilise the patched mysql code. It will fix the reconnect issues (allowing
>>> SER to reconnect once the socket has timed out).
>>> N.
>>> Andrey Kuprianov wrote:
>>> Im also having this problem. I even upgraded SER to 0.9.7-pre8, but
>> still
>>> the same.
>> I tend to think, though, that this is a MySQL version problem.
>>> I
>> installed MySQL 5.0 from Ubuntu's packages. I think reinstalling MySQL
>> or
>>> just upgrading it (or maybe downgrading to 4.1), should do the
>> trick.
>> On
>>> 5/24/07, Nhadie <nhadie at tbgi.net.ph> wrote:
>>> Hi All
>> How can i make sure that when mysql dies, ser will not allow calls
>>> anymore?
>> Because i had a problem, when mysql died, ser still continued to
>>> allow
>> calls and i was not able to account it.
>> How can i resolve this. Thank
>>> You in
>>> Advance.
>> Regards
>> Ronald
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>>> /*
>>> * $Id: my_con.c,v 1.2 2004/08/03 17:22:06 janakj Exp $
>>> *
>>> *
>>> * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 iptel.org
>>> *
>>> * This file is part of ser, a free SIP server.
>>> *
>>> * ser is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
>>> * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
>>> * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
>>> * (at your option) any later version
>>> *
>>> * For a license to use the ser software under conditions
>>> * other than those described here, or to purchase support for this
>>> * software, please contact iptel.org by e-mail at the following addresses:
>>> * info at iptel.org
>>> *
>>> * ser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
>>> * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
>>> * GNU General Public License for more details.
>>> *
>>> * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
>>> * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
>>> * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
>>> */
>>> #include <string.h>
>>> #include <time.h>
>>> #include "my_con.h"
>>> #include "../../mem/mem.h"
>>> #include "../../dprint.h"
>>> #include "utils.h"
>>> /*
>>> * Create a new connection structure,
>>> * open the MySQL connection and set reference count to 1
>>> */
>>> struct my_con* new_connection(struct my_id* id)
>>> {
>>> struct my_con* ptr;
>>> my_bool my_true;
>>> my_true=1;
>>> if (!id) {
>>> LOG(L_ERR, "new_connection(): Invalid parameter value\n");
>>> return 0;
>>> }
>>> ptr = (struct my_con*)pkg_malloc(sizeof(struct
>>> my_con));
>>> if (!ptr) {
>>> LOG(L_ERR, "new_connection(): No memory left\n");
>>> return 0;
>>> }
>>> memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(struct my_con));
>>> ptr->ref = 1;
>>> ptr->con = (MYSQL*)pkg_malloc(sizeof(MYSQL));
>>> if (!ptr->con) {
>>> LOG(L_ERR, "new_connection(): No enough memory\n");
>>> goto err;
>>> }
>>> mysql_init(ptr->con);
>>> mysql_options(ptr->con, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &my_true);
>>> if (!mysql_real_connect(ptr->con, id->host.s, id->username.s,
>>> id->password.s, id->database.s, id->port, 0, 0)) {
>>> LOG(L_ERR, "new_connection(): %s\n", mysql_error(ptr->con));
>>> mysql_close(ptr->con);
>>> goto err;
>>> }
>>> ptr->timestamp = time(0);
>>> ptr->id = id;
>>> return ptr;
>>> err:
>>> if (ptr && ptr->con) pkg_free(ptr->con);
>>> if (ptr) pkg_free(ptr);
>>> return 0;
>>> }
>>> /*
>>> * Close the connection and release memory
>>> */
>>> void free_connection(struct my_con* con)
>>> {
>>> if (!con) return;
>>> if (con->res) mysql_free_result(con->res);
>>> if (con->id) free_my_id(con->id);
>>> if (con->con) {
>>> mysql_close(con->con);
>>> pkg_free(con->con);
>>> }
>>> pkg_free(con);
>>> }
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>> Serusers mailing list
>> Serusers at lists.iptel.org
>> http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
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> Serusers mailing list
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